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Lou. Where do I start. Just damn. I love you. I hope we have a life together. Cause I can't see one with anyone else besides you. My life without you, I would be lost. I wouldn't know where to go, what to do, who to help me. You're the one who's gotten me through almost everything. And I don't think anyone understands that you are literally my Bestfriend. Nobody else is first. Not Lauren. Not AJ or AIDS. You were just my Bestfriend there was no one who came right next to you or tied with you, you're my one and my only because nobody can be you. I wish you only knew how much you mean to me. So getting back together ment a lot. Because It ment we had to step up. Or me I feel like. Cause I pray that this works because I just enjoy you. The presents of you, and the real you. Nothing more nothing less. But then being together it's even better. Cause I get your kisses and I could say that my Bestfriend is my everything and he's also my boy. I've never felt so in love before. There's times where I wish we never did this, get into a relationship, but then there's times where were in the ocean and he's pushing me up over the waves and I thought at that moment I could never find someone as perfect as he is. Or him keeping me warm while my teeth chatter from being cold. Or kissing him in the ocean with the taste of salt on his lips. Tasted really good. There's moments where we just drive in silence. It's not awkward, or weird. Nice. It's nice, being with him alone for once. But just actually hanging out. Being treated like a friend. Joking around with me, and then as a girlfriend and touching my butt when k walk. It's nice to be called babe but then say "so gay" to me 24/7. It's nice to get neck kisses, but then also have a shoulder to lean on. It's nice knowing he's there for me, even though he might not physically be here, and may be somewhere else, he'll be here for me. He's motivating me. He's trying for me. And I've never had someone actually try for me, and want to try. Like believe in me. And pushed me to do better. I've never had a Lou, lous one of a kind. He's rare to find, and he's really confusing to understand himself. But you'll get him to talk eventually, but sometimes he needs space. He really doesn't like to text all that often and if he does text it's not much. Just ya, hey sup kinda thing. He's not a very show it off kinda guy. He keeps to himself, and is an extremely chill person. He doesn't show how much he likes you or something. And that might be hard for you because you don't know if he really likes you. But at the end of the day, you know he obviously does cause he knows everything about you. And he's smart. He acts like he doesn't know, but in reality, he knows, he just wants you to keep guessing him. He almost "plays dumb" to get more out of you. But you got to do the same thing and keep him guessing too. But that's hard because he's always 2 steps in front of you. You'll feel safe with him. Like if your in a ghetto area and your with him you'll feel like it's a sunny valley. You can always talk to him. He might not say much back, but he's there. He's the person you would take a bullet for. You'd do anything for, you'd just love him. Even when he has those horrible horrible mood changes. At the end of the day, you'll just look at him and get butterflies and you'll love him. When he doesn't share something you want, at the end of the day when he pulls you in and your hand is on his chest, he hand on your butt and your head is nuzzled in his neck or some shit, you'll love him. And he yells at you for stupid shit like driving, when he kisses you and says goodbye at the end of the day, you'll still love him. Cause I do. And I don't think I will ever find a better Lou.

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