First Match of The Season

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The Young Wolf sighed as she sat in her apartment on Neptune, going over the final checks on her new and improved armor sets.

It's taken her awhile, but she's finally modified two that she believes will do her well and last for years to come.


The first armor set was one entirely dedicated to Strand and figuring out how to use the power more efficiently and effectively.

The armor itself was reinforced to help better protect her since all together, it was simply a glorified cowboy outfit but still, it was probably the most protective armor set that a guardian could have.

The helmet was the one she had found pillaging that bunker on Mars back when the Sol Divisive were trying to lock Rasputin out of one of his sub-minds. The Cowboy hat themed helmet was exactly what she was going for with this entire build though.

The arms were a pair that she had found in Xur's treasure hoard after being a guest star on the man's game show along with his weird, intergalactic horse.

Still, to this day that is the one thing the Young Wolf just can't get a grip on.

A a game show with Xur...

The nine were a weird bunch, that was for sure.

Anyways, the arms themselves were called the Ringwalker Gauntlets if she wasn't mistaken and the most protection they gave was around the shoulders where one pauldron was studded and sharp while along the right shoulder was a more soft, leathery one with green needle like points coming out of the shoulder.

The leather jacket she had was reinforced with a layer of Kevlar but that didn't stop how comfortable the thing truly was. Said Cogent Beat jacket was one of a kind and super fluffy along with the Titan symbol smack dab right in the middle of her chest.

The mark she had on was the Contender one from the last time she participated in Guardian games. It was a holographic representation of the Titan lion and truly it just made her armor stand out more with all the green she had going on.

Which brought her to her final piece of armor, the legs.

Now back a few days ago she had found those Strand boots on Neptune and she figured it would be the perfect way to test them out for everyone to see if they could be mass produced eventually.

Nimbus had been all for the idea when she had asked too.

The Abeyant Leap boots were one of a kind and right now she was the only Guardian to have her hands on a pair of them so, she was so going to use that to her advantage.

She found out that when she dropped her barricade, instead of only being allowed to send out one suspending burst of power, with the boots on she could now send out three that could tangle up an entire blockade in front of her.

And she wasn't kidding about that, she wore them on Neptune for a bit to test them out and The Young Wolf thought it was safe to say that the boots might just be her new favorite toy.

The entire look needed one final thing though to make it truly stand out from the rest and she knew the right shader for the job.

The young woman needed something to make the armor pop and scream Strand so she used that Gambit Jadestone shader the Drifter gave her awhile back which completed the outfit and made it perfect in her eyes.

The perfect Strand Cowgirl look where she could tangle up her enemies without a care in the world.

It was truly one of her better creations.

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