Happy Dawning!

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"I'll see you tonight okay?" The Young Wolf smiled, wrapping her arms around the Queen's shoulders as she leaned up to press a chaste kiss to her girlfriend's lips.

Mara hummed, pressing her own lips against the Titan's before pulling away a second later as she too smiled down at her, "Of course. Do make sure to relax today, no crazy adventures please. Just spend the day with your friends." She said fondly.

The Guardian giggled, pulling away after pressing one last parting kiss to her girlfriend's lips, "Promise. I'm just dropping off their grifts and, unfortunately spending the rest of the day with the girls." She said, her expression filling with just a little bit of dread making Mara grin.

"I'm sure it will be alright love, it's only one shopping trip."

"Mara," The younger woman said seriously, "There's a reason I've never went shopping with those three before." She said, a frown on her face which only made Mara chuckle.

"You'll live." She replied with a raised eyebrow, "And no skipping out either, because you know Ghost will tell me if you do. Don't make me leave my meeting to drag you back to your friends."

The Titan pouted, "Fine...I promise not to skip the trip, no matter how painful it will be."

"Good," The Queen said, laying her hand on the woman's cheek and rubbing her thumb against the guardian's soft skin, "I should really get going, Petra will be waiting for me."

"Okay, I'll see you tonight." The Young Wolf hugged her Queen one more time, soaking in all the warmth from her lover before pulling away and letting her girlfriend go, "I'll probably be back before you though." She added on as an afterthought.

Mara grinned, "That's alright, that means you can get started on dinner early so we don't miss it today." She said, her eyes boring into the younger woman as they roamed over her frame hungrily, "We wouldn't want to get, distracted again would we?" The Queen purred.

The Titan grinned, her cheeks dusted a light shade of pink as she responded, "I'll be sure to have food ready before you arrive then, just incase your...hunger, gets the better of you."

The Queen of the Reef couldn't help herself though and planted one more kiss of her own across her girlfriend's lips before she pulled back, winking at her once she saw the lovesick look on the guardian's face as she turned around towards the door, "See you tonight love." She said, walking out of the room without another word with a sway to her hips that hypothesized the young woman as her gaze followed the way Mara's backside bounced with each step she took.

After a solid five seconds where she was frozen in place, after Mara had already left the room the Young Wolf shook out of her stupor but was unable to wipe the loving smile off her face, staring at where the Queen once stood before she activated her transmat and appeared in the pilot seat of her ship.

She should...probably get to the city before Nolan sent out a search party,

Even though all she wanted to do was to stay with her girlfriend.

"I truly can't handle how gay you are." Ghost said through their bond, the woman able to feel his amusement clear as day causing her to scoff.

"Shut it little light," The Young Wolf narrowed her eyes, bringing her ship up into the atmosphere and slowly heading towards the main asteroid belt of the Reef where she could then head to Earth, "You act like I go around with my clothes painted like a rainbow." She rolled her eyes.

"Hate to break it to you, but you're sooo much gayer than a rainbow."

The guardian's face scrunched up at his words, her head slightly titled but was unable to keep her lips from twitching up in amusement, "Gayer? I don't think that's a word Ghost. And even if it was, how can you be "gayer" than a rainbow when that's literally the symbol for being gay?"

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