A Wolf's Secret Name...

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"Mara on the other hand...What does SHE stand to gain?" Riven purred, staring down at the Titan beneath her with barely contained amusement in her tone.

The Young Wolf clenched her fists at what Riven was insinuating though. Accusing her girlfriend of playing them all, accusing her of being the one to scatter the eggs, of being the mastermind behind this charade of theirs and trying to turn them all against one another in the process.

It wasn't going to happen.

"Watch your tone Riven." The Titan said firmly, staring at the dragon with a small glare behind her helmet, "Our bargain only states we have to ensure we collect all of your eggs and keep them safe now. After it's done, well...there's no telling what might happen." She said pointedly, an edge to her voice as she implied what might happen to her whims.

If it came down to it, if Riven hurt her girlfriend in anyway, tricked her or brought her pain their bargain would become a lot less civil.

She didn't particularly care for killing babies, but if it needed to be done, if it sent a message to the dragon before her from beyond the grave then so be it.

Riven though, didn't appreciate what she was implying for her projection took a dangerous step towards her and growled menacingly, "Touch my young, and it will be the last thing you ever do, murder!!"

"Hurt my girlfriend again, imply that she's the one behind this wild goose chase we're on and I promise you, the Ahamkara will truly be extinct after that wish is fulfilled." She hissed, "Do you, understand me?" The Titan demanded, not backing down in the slightest with her gaze locked onto the dragon to make sure she understand how serious she was.

Riven growled, staring down at her for another moment before she scoffed under her breath, "Crystal clear, O'Murder Mine." She spat the words down at the guardian, moving back to her original spot as she glared down at the woman. "Another egg has revealed itself. Go claim it, so this partnership of ours can end as soon as possible."

The Guardian shook her head, noting the dismissal clear as day so without another word to the dragon, she turned around and walked back over towards the portal that would lead her back to the HELM.

As soon as she entered the portal and landed on the other side in her girlfriend's part of the HELM, Ghost transmatted out of her pack and shook his shell at her, "You really shouldn't antagonize her like that, it's probably not helping our case." He said.

The Titan merely scoffed under her breath, "Then she shouldn't talk shit about Mara." She grumbled, leisurely making her way into the main room where the others were waiting for her. "I'm not going to allow Riven, of all people to bad mouth Mara."

Ghost tsked, "Technically she's a dragon."

The Guardian rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean. The Queen's under enough stress as it is with all the problems in the Dreaming City right now. The Vex incursions, trying to keep both them and the Taken away from the civilians all the while helping us with the Witness...She doesn't need to be worried about what Riven might do as well."

Ghost merely huffed and raised his optic at his guardian, "Really? Because if I'm not mistaken, she has a pretty good...outlet, for relieving stress." He said pointedly, staring directly at the Titan's neck where a few days ago, a giant bruise was located due to the Queen's more...dominant side appearing.

The Young Wolf blushed at the reminder of that night, unable to stop the pleasant tingle that racked down her spine as the memory played out in her mind.

Mara going down on her, the Queen then sitting atop her head to get off and then how she used her like her own personal sex toy for the rest of the night...

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