One Day Before The Assault

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"Yeah, I think I recognized some of those guys—before they exploded." Cayde said through the comm channel, speaking to the Young Wolf as she watched the giant Servitor explode into a giant ball of ether.

She had went out to find the last ghost Micah said had been lost and it lead her into the old Devil's Lair, where more fallen had taken over the territory and called it there's.

No matter, in the end they befell the same fate as Sepiks Prime had.

"They were renegades from the House of Wolves." The Hunter finished, making the young Titan tilt her head and purse her lips.

"Why were they here?" She asked.

"I think we might've interrupted an arms deal...these house of dusk fellas offering Eramis a Prime Servitor in exchange for weapons."

"If that's the case, it means Eramis is more Ether-starved than the dusk refugees and pirates. And...that means she's not with the Witness either." Micah said, "If House of Dusk was willing to give Eramis a Prime Servitor, that means there must be another. Or they have an alternative supply of Ether...A problem for another day I suppose." She said softly, making the Guardian hum but before anyone could say anything, Ghost spoke up.

"Guys, Hecate was here. I've narrowed down his location to— to your birthplace Guardian." He said softly, causing a hush to pass over the comm channel.

"Looks like we end at the beginning." Cayde murmured softly under his breath, his tone taking on a somber note before it suddenly brightened, "Kinda poetic." He said, causing the Young Wolf to snort under her breath.

"Good work, Guardian. We'll reconvene when you return with Hecate." Micah said.

"Understood." She said but before she could turn off her comms and head towards her birthplace, Cayde cut her off.

"You're coming back to the Pale Heart after that right?" He asked making the Titan frown.

"Yes..." She drawled out, raising an eyebrow from underneath her new Ahamkara inspired helmet, "Why?"

"Oh no reason! You've just been gone all morning and there just happens to be these weird light anomalies happening in the old Speaker's tower. Where Ikora placed those visions you found. Others, you know, not me are a bit worrried what that means and since you're our resident, "Speaker" for the Traveler well, they're kind of anxious waiting for your return." He said making the Titan frown.

"Why didn't anyone tell me before now? I would've come back immediately." She said, and even though she couldn't see him, the Guardian could tell Cayde shrugged.

"Don't know, you've been busy. Out here making sure nothing too bad happens while we patrol the Pale Heart. What you're doing is important too Partner, no one wanted to disrupt that."

The Young Wolf sighed fondly, "Give me five minutes. I'll be there as soon as I find Hecate."

"Good. Good. Also, your fiancé is getting kinda antsy without you around. Just thought I'd give yah the heads up." He said, an obvious smirk to his tone when he mentioned Mara as her fiancée.

"Funny." She deadpanned.

"You know, I happen to know this amazing—" She didn't even let the man finish his thought before cutting him off.

"Goodbye Cayde!" She said and instantly turned her comms off, smirking in satisfaction, knowing that Cayde would make a fuss about her hanging up on him.

Without another moment to waste, she turned towards the exit and started to make her way through the Devil's lair and back in the direction of where she knew the old highway was located.

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