A City Under Siege

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"I like what you've done with your hair." Kate said, gazing at her friend's head with a raised eyebrow as they continued to leisurely walk down the city streets but before long, a small smirk spread along the warlock's face and she couldn't resist any longer, "Very Mara." She teased.

The Young Wolf blushed, reaching up to her now shorter hair, which went down to about the middle of her neck and twirled the now highlighted brown hair around her digits.

She had made good on her word and went through with her idea when she had gone to get her hair cut. Now, the top of her head where her roots were was still her natural chestnut brown but as each strand went down her head, it got a little lighter in color.

Some strands were even more blond than brown now but what she had been most excited for was definitely the Purple that now resided atop her head, cascading along each of her curls and framing her face in her girlfriend's favorite color.

When Mara had first laid eyes on her new look, the Titan's heart definitely skipped a lot of beats with the expression the Queen had thrown at her.

The amount of love, affection and pure and utter possessiveness that she had seen in the monarch's gaze was enough to get any woman in the mood, let alone that look on the Queen of the Awoken's face? The most beautiful woman in the entire universe?

Yeah, needless to say the Guardian had spent the rest of that night on their mattress with Mara looming above her with the monarch's name spilling from her lips passionately far more than once throughout the night.

Before the Titan could respond to her friend though, another voice from behind them spoke up in an excited tone, "Yeah Ms!! You look sooo cool with purple hair, it definitely makes you look even prettier!!" A little girl exclaimed, who couldn't be any older than eight. She was walking in a pack with three other kids, two girls and one boy and the Titan couldn't help how her blush intensified when she realized the gaze of all four children was right on her.

She had almost forgotten they weren't alone.

The reason she was in the city today was because she had promised Kate to go down to the orphanage and take a little field trip with some of the kids today, walking them around the city, playing games with them and overall, she just wanted to do fun stuff with them to make their day.

She loved her people and she couldn't stand the thought of these kids all alone in the orphanage, even if it was a very good place for children to grow up in if they had no other option which, was why she took the time out of her day to come by every once and awhile to give these kids the best day ever.

One kid in particular...

Back on track though, she knew a lot of civilians would kill to meet her in person, but these kids didn't act like that around her. Sure, they knew the stories, they knew she saved the city on multiple occasions and they absolutely were in awe of her whenever they met but they were just kids, everything was just simpler with them because they didn't understand the scope of what she did, the magnitude.

They didn't kiss the very ground she walked on, they weren't afraid to mess around with her and they most certainly didn't ask for an autograph every five seconds.

They were always happy to see her, don't get her wrong but that was only because she and her team made sure to stop by to show them someone in this city cared for them still.

Did they absolutely love their time with her? Of course they did, but that was more related to how a child looks towards their cool aunt or uncle, not hero worship.

All in all, sometimes the orphans of the City were better company than other guardians if the Young Wolf was being honest.

Currently, they were actually on their way to Midtown. Since there was no Crucible matches scheduled for today, she thought it'd be a perfect spot for them to play around for the day.

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