The Path Forward

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"Haste...Lies...Door...Chamber...Treasure." The Young Wolf mumbled under her breath, staring at the sixteen hive ruins scattered across the room with narrowed eyes, trying to find the pattern before her.

She was currently in Savathûn's Imbaru engine after finding out the Witch Queen left her one last puzzle to solve and to say she was slightly annoyed was an understatement.

She's been standing here for half an hour and still hasn't figured this stupid puzzle out!

"Okay, okay you've got this." She said to herself, crossing her arms over her chest as she started to pace around the chamber, "Sixteen symbols, four at each corner of the room. Three out of the four corners have three symbols that match the same genre, with the fourth being the outlier. Then, one corner has an equal amount of lies and truth ruins." The Titan shook her head, "The problem, is finding out which ones to light, and which to leave alone." She murmured.

She looked back at the left corner at the front of the room, the one where there was equal lies to "truths" so to speak and walked up to the very first lie, closest to the thrall statue and clicked her tongue in thought.

She was theorizing that if this was the first lie on this side, and the pattern was different here than the other corners hopefully, that meant there was only one ruin she needed to active on this side.


She raised her hand up to the Lie ruin and activated it, watching it burst into blue/green flames with just the tiniest bit of trepidation, looking around to see if any traps would suddenly appear.

After a few seconds where nothing happened, she huffed and moved over to the front right corner of the room, "Okay, let's try this side now." She said, standing before the four ruins on this side of the room and trying to decipher their meaning.

"There's no way she'd make me activate another first ruin." She muttered, staring at the first ruin with a small frown, "So that one's out of the picture. But that leaves the last two symbols, which are lies...the ones that don't match this set of ruins!" She exclaimed excitedly, walking up to ruins three and four to light up.

After that, she moved to the back right corner and studied those ruins in more depth.

Knowing Savathûn would try to trick her, she knew for certain that the ones she had to activate would most likely not be a lie which meant she had three options.

It just so happened though, that one of the "truths" was the first ruin of the set so she used her intuition that was telling her not to activate the first ones and went to the only other ones it could be, ruin two and four.

After those were lit up, she then moved to the final corner of the room, the back left where there were three truths and a lie ruin just like the last corner.

"Okay, if I know not to active the first ruin, and the last set I had to trigger two truths she most likely won't have me activate another two truths on this set." She said, "So that means fourth ruin for sure needs to be activated." The Young Wolf moved over to said ruin to turn it on, watching it flame up with pursed lips underneath her Strand helmet, "Which leaves the choice between two and three."

"Which one...which one." She whispered before an idea popped into her head as she turned to look back at the first corner.

"A gap of two...a gap of one, and then another gap of one..." She shook her head, staring at the pattern along the wall with a tilted head, "If we continue with that pattern, the last one would need to be another gap of two!" She said, a wide smile now on her face as she then turned around to active Ruin three.

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