The Fallen Prince And A Grave...

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  Mara watched her girlfriend smash an awoken pot and grab the wishing glass scattered along the ground as soon as it shattered from her place at the HELM, her arms crossed over her chest and hip cocked to the side as her gaze never left the Titan on the other side of the feed.

The Coalition had gathered today to watch the feed as both Echo and the Young Wolf cleared out Riven's lair of all Vex, Scorn and Taken combatants looking to take control over the chambers to try and slow them down.

But with her Girlfriend in the field, they truly didn't stand a chance.

The two guardians had already been in there for a half an hour at this point, and at the moment they were clearing the last pathway and so far there hadn't been a single scratch, dent or mark on their armor.

She would know, she's been watching her girlfriend very intently for the last thirty minutes, not able to look away incase something happened to her.

Beside her, Petra stood and watched the feed with her Queen just like everyone else in the mobile meeting space.

Not everyone could make it for the operation, but there was still a good chunk of people in attendance. Zavala and Ikora were at the head of the meeting table and on the Titan's side stood Osiris, Saint, Shaxx, Saladin and Crow.

On Ikora's side, stood the Drifter, Elsie, Ana, Petra and then Mara was on the end. Sadly, Mithrax, Caiatl and Eris couldn't make it.

Both the Kell and Empress were busy today and Eris, if Mara wasn't mistaken was still resting after her transformations weeks ago.

If the Queen was being honest, the lightless Guardian wasn't missed by her in the slightest...

Back to the feed though, Mara's attention was soon focused fully onto the screen when both Titan's started to fight again, making the monarch bite her lip in anxiousness as she watched.

"Watch your six Wolf!" Echo exclaimed from his position mowing down Scorn with his auto rifle.

Without even braking stride, the young Titan ducked under the Chieftain that was sneaking up from behind and dropped down into a kneel, aiming her hand cannon at its head before instantly blowing its brains out.

Before she could catch a break though, a Scorn Raider came barreling towards her so she got back up onto her feet, jumped up into the air and wrapped her legs around the Scorn warrior's neck, twisting her body and bringing them both down onto the ground while she landed on her side.

Before the warrior could even react, the Titan clenched the muscles in her thighs and twisted, snapping its neck instantly. She then rolled off to the side and got back onto her knees and aimed her hand cannon at a screeb running right at her, shooting one bullet and watching the suicidal attacker explode in a blast of Ether.

She got back up onto her feet and shook the corrupted ether off her armor, flicking the remnants off her hands while keeping her gun grasped in her palm.

Like it was the most normal thing ever...

"Damn." Drifter muttered, "That's probably the deadliest pair of thighs this side of the galaxy!"

Mara glared at the rouge Lightbearer, "Watch your tongue Germaine."

The Drifter raised his hands in surrender, "I don't mean nothing by it Queenie! I'm just stating a fact." He said, "Plus, The Captain ain't my type. And I can assure you, I ain't hers." He said pointedly, raising an amused eyebrow at the Queen of the Reef.

"I don't think anyone who isn't named Mara classifies as the Guardian's type." Ana said teasingly, making the Queen narrow her eyes at the Hunter.

"Do not start with me Ana Bray." The monarch threatened with small glare across her face, trying to keep the pleased flush from her face as she thought about the Hunter's words, "I am not above blackmail, and as such I can easily get a hold of your Girlfriend if you wish me to."

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