The Eye Of A Flechette Storm

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"This Vex data is intriguing. It seems as though they're trying to access servers not currently connected to the CloudArk." Osiris said from across the comm channel as the data The Young Wolf scanned from a Vex conflux that had appeared just recently was sent to the old Warlock.

The other person on the channel responded back to him though, confusion lacing their voice, "Do we even have systems that aren't connected? Huh, that's weird. Does it say where they're digging?" Nimbus asked.

"Not yet, no. We need a few more data points. Guardian, let's get moving." Osiris responded, "There seems to be another data point near the vault that holds the Veil. Get over there as quick as you can, see what you can uncover."

The Young Wolf nodded her head, even though they couldn't see her before she started the long trek back towards ESI Terminal where she knew the Veil was located.

It didn't take her that long, considering she's been everywhere on this planet these last few months and with her strand grappling hook, well it didn't take her nearly as long as it would've with a sparrow.

As she arrived at the Veil containment vault door though, she saw that the conflux was surrounded by both Shadow Legion warriors and Vex, both sides shooting at the other.

The Young Wolf smirked under her helmet as she unholstered her newly crafted Mykel's Reverence Sidearm, the one she had got the blueprint for when she killed Nezarec, and charged towards the enemy forces before her.

None of them stood a chance.

Five minutes later, she looked around the area, ignoring the countless dead bodies at her feet to see if there were any stragglers. Once she deduced no one else was there with her, the Titan walked over to the Conflux and held out her hand for Ghost to appear in and scan the data so they could send it off back to Nimbus and Osiris at Striders Gate.

After the data was recovered, the Young Wolf watched as the Conflux disappeared before her eyes as Osiris came back over the comm channel.

"Interesting. The Vex have been attempting to breach an air-gap firewall in the old Ishtar Collective systems at Veil Containment." He said, causing the Young Wolf's eyes to widened as she turned around to face the vault door.

"My initial investigation indicated those systems had been wiped in some sort of electromagnetic event. But perhaps, in our haste, we overlooked something." The Warlock said before pausing a moment in thought, thinking about their next course of action.

They didn't have to wait long though for the man to come back on the channel, "Let us go discover what the Vex are after." He said in determination.

The Young Wolf didn't need to hear any more, knowing exactly what was expected of her. The woman quickly made her way up the stairs to the vault door and allowed Ghost to open it before she walked through the giant gateway.

Once she made it further into the vault, and jumped down the old maintenance shaft towards level nine, Nimbus came back onto the channel, "You know, ever since we defeated Calus, I've been wondering a lot more about the Veil. I think...I think we take it for granted. It's always been here. We always assumed that the Ishtar collective brought it with them on the Exodus ship, but..."

"But now you question that assumption." Osiris finished for the CloudStrider.

"Nezarec seemed to know something, didn't he? When we were inside the Vex Network, he said something about...Savathûn." Nimbus said, causing the Young Wolf to bite her lip.

With all the craziness of the Shadow Legion capturing prisoners, problems on Neptune and overall just the stress of constant fighting she may or may not have forgotten to inform the Vanguard exactly what she had learned while going after Nezarec.

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