Slayer of Nightmares

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"These boots are very high tech, even considering they were made here on Neptune." Ghost said, floating besides The Guardian as she inspected the new piece of armor that they had found looting Calus' ship.

Apparently one of the commanders had stolen Neomuna treasures and hidden it within the ship. Nimbus had asked her to go and retrieve the items for him as he was currently indisposed dealing with some Vex problem.

But after killing the cabal commander they had found a cache with a pair of armored leggings. The boots were mostly black and green with some curled designs along the feet but the front of the shins up to the knee along each side, there were these green glowing eye looking things that whenever she touched them, would seem to twirl and weave around like her strand abilities did.

But to their knowledge, the Neptunians hadn't known about Strand until Osiris and her had arrived...

The Young Wolf frowned from behind her helmet, tilting her head as she traced the intricate designs along the armored legs, "I can feel the Strand flowing in these boots...Those, eye looking things," She said, rubbing her thumb over the eye closest to the knee on the left side, "There's no mistaking the power they hold."

"But both Nimbus and Rohan didn't know about Strand until we discovered it. Did other Cloudstriders before them know of it, and just kept it a secret?" Ghost asked curiously causing the Guardian to shrug her shoulders.

"Beats me." She said before tracing a hand over an inscription on the right thigh armor plate. It was so tiny that she could barley see it but it spelled out a couple words that she assumed was what the armor was called back whenever these were made.

The Abeyant Leap.

Pretty cool name, she wasn't gonna lie but that wasn't the focus.

The focus, was how the CloudStriders were able to make a pair of boots that synergies so well with Strand if they hadn't known about the powers to begin with.

It was all just a flustercluck if you asked The Young Wolf, but even though she was confused about the matter, she had to admit the boots seemed pretty cool.

If they did indeed work how she thought they did, than it would help her reach out with her Strand abilities to connect with more living things in her general vicinity.

If she wanted to, she could suspend an entire blockade of Shadow Legion warriors with the extended reach and they would be able to do nothing before it was already too late.

She wouldn't give any of them a chance to escape.

But that was just her daydreams, she couldn't worry about that right now for she could research more about the boots at a later date since she had more work to do today besides gathering back up the lost items from Calus' forces.

She stowed the boots away in her pack for the time being before she got up from the circular couch in the middle of her apartment, making sure to grab her helmet that laid beside her before slipping it on her face once more.

"Do you have the Veil spectrometer?" She asked her Ghost, Turing to walk out of her apartment and over towards Striders Gate.

"Along with the Neomuni nanites. We have everything to complete the weapon Guardian, all we need is to combine them." He said causing her to smile under her helmet as they walked up and took the air lift towards their destination.

They had spent the last couple weeks ever since Calus' defeat and their discovery of Strand trying to infuse the power into a weapon with the help of Nimbus and it was finally ready to be completed.

All she needed to do was connect the Veil Spectrometer she found in the Vex Network along with the rest of the nanites and the weapon should be operational.

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