Love and Loss...

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"Guardian! I'm glad I caught you!" Devrim called out to the Young Wolf, quickly jogging over to the woman who was walking towards her ship that was landed over in the airfield at the Farm.

She had stopped by to grab something from her vault since this was the closest location with a terminal but apparently the older man was also looking for her.

She didn't know what for, but by the tone of his voice she deduced that it probably had something to do with the Shadow Legion.

"Mhmm?" She hummed, turning around to give the man her full attention.

"Mithrax and Amanda are out on patrol and just called for a touch of backup. It seems like they picked up another distress signal and the outpost is absolutely crawling with Shadow Legion." He said with a serious tone of voice making worry pool in the pit of her gut.

If both Amanda and Mithrax called in help than it had to be serious...

It seemed the man standing before her was thinking the same thing, "Believe me, I was surprised they called in. Makes me think the odds are worse than they're letting on." He said, "Usually those two can take care of themselves." He added on under his breath but the Young Wolf still heard him and she couldn't help but agree with his logic.

Which was why, she was now very worried...

"Here's the area from where their signal originated from. I'll call them up and tell them you're on your way in the meantime, good luck." He said, handing her a small tablet before walking to her left and transmitting away.

The Young Wolf didn't even spare a glance at the tablet resting in her hands, knowing her Ghost would track the signal for her.

As soon as she got into her ship, she started the engines and piloted the aircraft towards the coordinates that were now in her ships computer curtesy of Ghost.

But she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

If the Shadow Legion were upping the firepower so much that Mithrax and Amanda had to resort to calling her for backup then something was happening, something was going on with the Witness's forces and she had a bad feeling there was more to this than they were seeing.

Years of battle experience has taught her to trust her gut and right now, her gut was screaming at her that this mission, this operation...

It was bad news...

Just then, her comms crackled to life and Amanda spoke up from the other end, "Hey Partner. Glad you could join us down here. Our scanners picked up a distress signal coming from a prison facility in the EDZ. We reckon it's a new bunch of captives. Mithrax and I are fixing to break them out."

"I can splice the base security," Mithrax said right after Amanda got done talking, "But we need a route for escape."

"That's where you come in guardian." The Young Wolf could practically hear the smirk in the pilot's tone as she spoke which made the Titan fondly roll her eyes.

"Clear all opposition so that we may lead the prisoners to safety. And do not engage your sparrow, the signal will alert our enemies."

"Everyone solid? Then let's go get our people back!" Amanda said and even though the Young wolf couldn't help but feel worried about this mission, she also found herself unable to stop the smile that spread across her face at her friend's enthusiasm, her faith in their ability to get this done.

If only she felt the same...

It only took them a minute longer to arrive at the Sunken Isles in the EDZ, right outside the stronghold that the Shadow Legion set up in the old Red Legion base and as soon as she stepped foot out of her ship and marched towards the base, Amanda came back onto the comms.

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