Raise The Banner of War

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The Young Wolf grunted as she deflected a blow from an incoming Hive Knight with her own sword, Throne-Clever before swinging the blade around and stabbing the knight in its chest, watching as it cried out in pain before falling to the ground once she pulled the sword back out.

"Yes! My Acolyte, deliver my vengeance! Show them what true power is!!!" Eris exclaimed from where she was floating above the Alter, absorbing all the power the Titan was collecting from the tithes and storing it into herself, becoming stronger and stronger for every enemy the young woman slew.

Despite herself, the Young Wolf couldn't help the rush of excitement that coursed through her veins as she continued to fight, that thrill of battle she got as she blocked and parried with Hive knights.

There was something so simple about fighting that always seemed to keep her focused, keep her calm and steady no matter the situation.

Saint had said it the best a few weeks back, how she and him belonged out here, in the trenches getting their hands dirty so others didn't have to.

And she didn't think that would ever change.

The Guardian sidestepped an incoming blow from an over confident acolyte looking to prove itself, and instead with one mighty punch, she sent its body hurdling back towards its buddies but, for some reason that she couldn't explain the punch was different.

For some reason, she felt, a stirring in her chest when she punched the Hive, causing her to tilt her head in confusion as she took cover behind a stone pillar to get out of the range of the Wizard currently shooting at her.

What the hell was that?

She didn't know, but the Young Wolf felt the need to experience the feeling more and since she was using Strand, she knew that whenever she had a feeling, she should trust her gut.

If the guardian had learned anything from last time, it was that she should never ignore anything when it comes to Strand.

Osiris had taught her that...

So, still behind the pillar she grasped the handle to her sword a little tighter, closed her eyes and channeled her Strand powers, connecting herself to the Weave itself and then sprinted out of cover with her sword up high.

The nearest group of enemies was that same group of acolytes from before so, she charged towards them, her eyes glowing a neon green behind her helmet before she jumped up into the air and raised Throne-Cleaver above her head before smashing it down on top of their heads.

As soon as she landed, that stirring returned again and instead of letting it fade, she tapped into that feeling again and allowed whatever it was her abilities were telling her to take over.

As soon as she relaxed and started flowing with the river once more, she felt as her powers started to taper off her body, strands of power braiding upwards from her back and forming a pole behind her but that wasn't the most intriguing aspect of the whole experience.

At the top of the pole, her strand power was wafting back and forth, like a flag would on a breezy afternoon except there was no wind here. But the part that shocked her was the fact that every second the flag, or banner would release a pulse of Strand energy she could feel said power heal her up.

The first pulse she felt made her bruises fade away, on the second she felt her tense muscles relax and on the third she felt like she had just gotten decades worth of sleep in three seconds, she felt like she could take on the Witness single-handedly with what she had just now discovered.

She felt invincible with this...

"Oh hell yes." The Titan whispered with an excited smile on under her helmet as she eyed a group of thrall running towards her.

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