1 year Anniversary

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"Archie, where the hell have you gone?" The Young Wolf muttered to herself under her breath as she walked around the EDZ looking for any clues as to where the wayward Bionic dog had went.

It's been like this for the past three weeks, for some reason Archie has decided to just wander off. The first week he had been in the tower but last week he had found his way into the Cosmodrome and this week she had followed his trail to the EDZ.

No one truly knew why he was doing this, but last week she had to save him from their enemies. Randal the Vandal had captured Archie and she had almost killed the bastard too but he had slipped away just at the last minute.

One day she'd get that fucker, one day.

But today she had followed him to the EDZ and there was an influx of Cabal around the area she had found his paw prints which didn't make her feel all that confident that Archie hadn't found trouble.

She really wanted to get back to the Dreaming city today too, for today marked the one year anniversary that Mara and her had been together.

It's crazy to think that just last year she had been coming back from Titan after the failed Oryx ritual and Mara and her had fallen in bed together before confessing their feelings for one another that next morning.

Before going out to find Archie, she had stopped at a small flower joint in the city and had bought Mara a bundle of lavenders, the same flowers her shampoo and soap were scented and she had also had something custom made for her girlfriend that she knows the Queen will simply adore.

She's looking to make Mara blush today, and the Titan thinks she has a pretty good chance especially with the present she got for the Awoken monarch.

But before she could go back to celebrate their anniversary, she had to find Archie...

She followed the trail Archie left behind silently, fighting off cabal warriors along the way as she marched towards the Shard of The Traveler.

Once she made it right beneath the shard though, where a small piece had broken off and was resting in the middle of a flooded field, she surprisingly saw what was left of the Red Legion patrolling the area and Archie behind a shield right beside the small fragment of the Traveler.

"Red Legion?" Ghost said in her head through their bond, "I thought what was left of them had disbanded years ago. Although now that I think about all those disrupters, it does make sense it was them. These devices were Red Legion tech to begin with." He said.

The Young Wolf pursed her lips and clenched her jaw, staring at the Cabal patrolling the field with barely continued anger.

These were the forces that had taken her home.

Slaughtered her people.

Stolen the light.

But they had also been the ones to take Isabella's birth parents from her...

And that, made her beyond pissed.

"Doesn't matter." She muttered darkly under her breath as she unholstered her Midnight Coup from her waistband, "I'm gonna make them wish they stayed away from my planet." She said before jumping into action, landing and instantly rolling out of the way of an incoming Psion shot before returning fire to the Red Legion.

She made quick work of what was left of the Red Legion. At one point the commander thought it was being smart and shielded itself but she had saw these devices before, back during he Red War and they weren't exactly difficult to deactivate so once she had turned off the shield generators she floated over until she was right above the Cabal commander and summoned her Burning Maul and brought the hammer down right on top of his head.

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