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For the angels within each one of us, waiting to be discovered.


I stepped out of my shelter with my single backpack that was loaded with my clothes, an old laptop, a guitar and my mobile phone in my pocket. I was 25 years old back then. I was working as a guitar teacher in a music academy. Definitely, I was not having a laptop to improve myself or my skills in any way. The maturity I had and the circumstances which brought me up made me use the laptop only to watch porn videos! My laptop was filled with hundreds of such movies.

My clothes, my laptop, my guitar and my mobile phone were my only properties. I had a two wheeler. But I had sold it to have some money in my hands to pay for the advance to my new home after finding one. I was thrown out of the home without even a notice period because of my late night visits, drinking and smoking habits. I was walking aimlessly on the busy streets of Chennai in the evening, my eyes looking for a tolet board. Being a bachelor it was difficult for me to find a shelter. Almost every owner I saw from the morning didn't even give me a chance to glance at their house.

"It's already evening. I have to stay on foot paths only, it seems," I thought to myself, feeling tired and frustrated while walking. Suddenly my mobile buzzed in my pocket, interrupting my thoughts. I pulled out my Redmi 4G mobile out of my pocket and looked at its display. It was my friend Nivas. He was the only friend who supported me in all my ups and downs. We shared our adult movies, alcohol, even cigarettes with each other. We were sailing in the same boat. Spoilt brats we were!

Though we were in the same category of spoiled brats, I can say, I was more spoiled than him. He never visited hotel rooms with random women. But I visited hotel rooms with random women. I looked at women as pleasurable and desirable creatures. But I never tortured them to please me. I didn't want to force any women. But I enjoyed with sex workers or whoever falls for my external appearance, with no strings attached.

My ideology was just simple - I can do anything which feels good to me, but without hurting, without torturing others. I would drink till my throat. I would sight women. I would even imagine touching them. But, In reality, I never forced myself on even those sex workers when they showed hesitance for my alcoholic smell or when they were new to work. I can't say that I had any morality or humanity in my rock heart. But, it was just my ideology. That was it. Other than that, I never had heartily feelings for anyone. I didn't cry, even when my friend Nivas was hospitalized for weeks because of a bike accident. Such a rock heart was my heart!

I attended the call.

"Hey Arun, I heard that the old lady told you to vacate your room. Where are you going to stay after this?" His voice pierced my ears.

"I don't know, dude. I am just searching for a tolet board," I replied flatly.

He suggested, "Hmm, if you can't find a room within today, then come to my home and stay for tonight. Let's look for a home tomorrow."

I just nodded and disconnected the call. If he was calling me to stay in his home, there must be two reasons. One, His beautiful sister might be out of station Or he said it for a formality as a friend. He would never allow a person like me, when he had a beautiful sister in his home. Even if he allowed me, his parents would never allow me. His parents were mad at himself for his drinking habit. Then, how could they allow me, a person who gives company to drink! On the top of everything, I would rather stay in footpaths than disturbing someone in search of help. That was me.

I slipped my mobile into my pocket again and carried on my hunt for a room and my eyes landed on another tolet board on a large gate. It was almost the 20th tolet board I saw on that day. Though I didn't have any hope that they would allow bachelors, I couldn't ignore the board as there was still a possibility. I peeped inside through the lattice of the gate and my jaw dropped. Not by the sight of the palace like home. But by the sight of a beautiful young girl who was playing badminton, wearing a white top and a knee length white skirt.

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