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Arun's POV:

When I entered the college, it was their lunch time it seemed. The college premises was filled with hundreds of students and indistinct chatter. It was a new atmosphere for me. I felt like a square peg in a round hole. I strayed my eyes around the vast infrastructure. I could see many beautiful girls around. If I was old Arun, my jaw would have dropped by now on seeing those girls. But, I started to see women too as equal human beings just like me. My eyes searched only for my Diya, ignoring other girls. I couldn't see her as far as my eyes could see. I wondered how to find her in this vast infrastructure.

I thought to ask for help and approached a student.

"Excuse me, Do you know where the final year psychology classroom is?" I asked.

He showed me a building and told me to go to the second floor in the building.

I thanked him and walked upstairs in the building. When I was walking upstairs, I saw Diya with two girls. They were coming downwards.

I smiled at Diya. She widened her eyes on seeing me and ran towards me in a hurry.

"You?! What are you doing here?" She asked shockingly.

"I came to see you only" I said.

"What? Have you gone mad?" She yelled.

"Why are you not talking with me for the last two days? And blocked my number too.." I asked, ignoring her question.

"What should I do then? Should I keep you in my lap and sing a lullaby for your nasty habits?" She frowned in a low voice, as some students were crossing us.

"If you do that, it will be nice only" I murmured, blushing.

"What?! "

"That.. Diya, I said na. I am really regretting that habit now. I will not visit there hereafter. Please forgive me and talk to me. If you stop talking to me, Then who is there for me? I feel lonely without my best friend, Diya" I said my feelings openly.

Before she could reply, her friends reached us and asked, "Who is this Diya?"

"Arun.. My... My friend." She said flatly.

One of the girl exclaimed, "Oh.. Is this Arun? That YouTube channel guitarist?"

"Yes.. " She nodded her head.

She turned to me and exclaimed, "Wow, I am so happy to meet you. I am Kavya and I am your biggest fan!" She exclaimed and stretched her hand for a handshake.

I looked at Diya for her permission to reciprocate the handshake. Diya whispered, "Reciprocate her handshake gently. Don't squeeze her hand like a monster."

"I am not a monster now." I pouted.

"You are a monster." She whispered back, gritting her teeth. All her scolding seemed like music to me. I ignored her yells with a grin and reciprocated the handshake.

Then she introduced Nisha and said that her other friend Gowtham was absent that day.

"Okay guys, let's go to the canteen now." Kavya said.

"Okay Arun, You carry on" Diya said and turned to go.

"Why? Arun also can have lunch with us in the canteen na?" Kavya pouted. I liked her instantly for giving me a chance to be with my Diya for some more time.

"Kavya, He is 4 to 5 years elder than us. So, Don't call him by name. Call him as Anna." My one and only Diya suggested it to Kavya. I wondered whether she feels possessive on me and smiled to myself.

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