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Diya's POV:

We reached Ooty, the previous day by late evening and hired an individual cottage for rent to stay. I wanted to visit the hut as soon as we reached ooty. But Papa and Maa stopped me as the weather was freezing and I was tired too, as I vomited a few times while travelling uphills in the car. So, we directly came to the cottage, had our dinner and fell asleep.

When the new day dawned, I slowly opened my eyes and sat up in bed. Vijay was still sleeping. But I could hear Maa and Papa's voices in the hall. I got down from the bed and opened the curtain of our room, exposing the glass window.

Through the glass window, I could see the sun rays peeking through the white fluffy fogs and as it was the winter season, the greenish tea gardens and the trees on the mountain slopes were sprinkled with white snow. It looked like the greenish queen was wearing white pearl jewels on her. It was a pleasant view to the eyes and I opened the window to have a clear view, the cool air brushing my body.

I was mesmerised to see the beauty of nature and the sun rays were slowly melting the sprinkled snow on the trees. I was also melting just like that snow in the thoughts of my Arun. I didn't know when I was going to melt completely and cry my heart out. Sometimes, I felt angry on Arun for going away from me by hearing my Papa and Maa's words. Didn't he think about me and my feelings at least once? I thought with the mixed feelings of anger and disappointment, tears forming in my eyes.

"Good morning, akka." Vijay's voice broke my thoughts.

"Good morning." I turned to him and forced a smile.

"Akka, Why are you not smiling naturally nowadays?" He pouted.

"No, I am normal," I said flatly.

"Is it?! Okay tell me why barking dogs won't bite?" He asked irrelevantly. But he was trying a poor joke, I understood.

"I don't know," I said flatly.

He furrowed his eyebrows and pouted, "See.. If it was my old Diya akka, she would have given a thousand answers for this by now."

"Oh God.. " I took a deep breath frustratingly and said, "May be because, the dog in your poor joke is a puppy and it doesn't have teeth."

"No.. Try another answer," He said.

"I don't know, da. You say yourself," I said in a tired tone.

"Okay." He nodded and added on, "Because how can the dogs bark and bite at the same time? It has only one mouth na." He laughed.

I glared at him with a light smile and asked, "Did you think this poor joke on your own?"

"No no, my friend sent me this in whatsapp?" He chuckled.

"Hmm.. " I hummed and opened our luggage to take the clothes to go and bathe.

"Akka, you have really changed. Nowadays, you are not at all laughing at my jokes. By seeing our Appa and Amma, I thought that love would feel so sweet and it would give us happiness. But by seeing you, I feel like love is the most dangerous feeling which erases all our already existing happiness." He admitted.

He was right. Love has the power to make our life beautiful like heaven or painful like hell. I was experiencing hell. How can I laugh, being in hell? I was not that strong to laugh with pain. I was keeping my mouth zipped, my hands simply taking my clothes out.

"Oh God, this love...I will not love at all in this lifetime," Vijay said in an exasperated tone.

Now, I smiled sarcastically.

"Why are you smiling sarcastically?" He asked.

"Nothing. I too never thought of loving. That too...Your Arun Anna!! I didn't even think in my dreams that I would love him. But I ended up loving him. Love won't ask your permission to enter into your heart. It will just enter into your heart like a strong storm which breaks all the doors and barges inside the home." I said.

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