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Arun's POV:

The next morning, I woke up at 5 o'clock when the sound of the screaming alarm pierced my ears. I woke up and switched off the alarm and looked at my wallpaper as usual.

"Good morning, my Little Diya. I don't know whether you will accept me Or not. No woman will accept a person like me that easily. But, if you forgive my past sins and if you accept me, I will take care of you like a princess. Dad's little princess will become a husband's little princess. Will you marry me and be my princess?" I asked with a smile, looking at the photo.

There was no response from the photo. How will the photo reply? I smiled and kept the mobile down.

I went to the terrace even before Diya and I started doing my exercise. Soon, My Diya came too. We said good morning to each other.

"Arun, have you logged into your YouTube channel and saw the comments?" She asked.

"No Diya, I use my personal YouTube only on my mobile," I replied.

"Oh, As I didn't logout after uploading the video, I saw some comments when I opened YouTube on my laptop yesterday. You login in your mobile Or laptop and have a look at the comments and reply with a thank you. Okay?" She asked, smiling.

"Okay, I will reply. You too can reply, if you see any comments"

"Oh, Am I your assistant?" She giggled.

" Partner," I blurted.

"What?!" She asked shockingly, widening her eyes.

"I... I mean YouTube partner for lifetime. You are the one who created it na. Whatever income I get through it, you will get your share for a lifetime. So you too can reply." I managed the situation.

"Oh..." She took a deep breath to relax herself and added on, I don't want any share. Anyway, I too will reply, if I get to see any comments."

I nodded flatly, feeling disappointed in her reaction.

"And one of my friends became a great fan of yours. She conveyed her wishes for you. She may come and meet you too."

"Oh.. Convey my thanks to her." I smiled.

"Hmm.. Sir became a public figure now. You will get more fans and eventually you will forget this Diya na" She sighed dramatically.

"No, This little Diya will always be in my heart." I smiled.

"Let me see.. " She shrugged her shoulders.

"Nowadays you are not glaring at me, if I call you little Diya. Why?" I asked.

"I don't know" She shrugged her shoulders and added on, "Actually, My maa said that I used to call myself as little Diya when I was a child. And I used to draw a family picture often when I was a child and used to write Little Diya's little nest in those drawings. My parents liked it and kept it on our home's name board. But you are only calling me as little Diya by seeing that board even after I grew up. I got angry at first. But now, I like it. It feels good to have a cute pet name na."

"Oh.. In that case, I have another cute pet name too for you." I chuckled.

"What is that?" She asked.

"Vaayadi (Talkative)."

"What? Am I talking too much?" She pouted.

"Yes, Your mouth is not at all resting and I like it very much. If you talk, I will be hearing for the whole day, even if I don't understand your science and philosophy." I giggled.

"Try to understand. Okay?" She asked with a fake frown.

"Hmm... " I hummed, smiling.

"Okay, You carry on with your exercise. I will start meditating" She said and she was about to sit down on the floor.

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