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Arun's POV:

"You all wait here. I will go and buy tickets for the boat ride and come back," Appa said and left.

"Okay, let's play with our kutty angel till Krishna comes back." Amma smiled and asked Pari, "Angel kutty, what shall we play?"

She thought for a moment and said, "Nani, Shall I sing rhymes? You give music for my rhymes."

"Oh dear, I don't know how to give music." Amma pouted.

"It's very easy, Nani. See.. Now, I will give music. You repeat it," Pari said and started to sing rhymes, acting according to the lines and giving her cute vocal music in between the lines.

Amma, Vijay and Diya were laughing at her cute accents, repeating her lines and they too imitated the same vocal music, following Pari. All of them were changed into children and relished the cute moments with our daughter Pari.

But the poor me was in my own world, thinking how to pave a way for talking with my Diya alone. My soul, my little Diya has confessed her love but I didn't get a chance to respond to her till now. I was restless to talk with her and finally an idea flashed in my mind.

"Amma, I will use the bathroom and come back. Take care of Pari," I said. She nodded and continued talking with Pari.

"Di.. Diya," I called.

She turned to me.

"I am going to the restroom," I said.

She nodded her head and turned to Pari again.

I flared my nose and frowned. "How can my Diya be this much dumb?" I muttered and called her again. She turned to me again.

"I am going to the restroom." I stressed my words in a low voice.

"Go, Arun. Why are you telling me again and again," She whispered with a perplexed look.

I whispered, "I want to talk with you alone. I will go now. You too say any reason like me and come after me."

She widened her eyes and mumbled, "No.. "

"Please, Diya," I pleaded.

"No... " She shook her head, her lips curving up a little.

"I am going now and I will be expecting you near the mini train station" I whispered and walked away. I didn't even wait for her reply. I knew she would come.

I came near the mini train station where I could see mini trains running on the tracks with a rumbling noise amid the green trees all around. Some passengers in the train were peeping out to enjoy the view, some were peeping out to take selfies, some were taking photos of the mesmerising scenic view, some children were shouting in excitement.

In the noise of the mini train and exciting people, I was looking around for a desolate place to talk alone.

"Why did you call me?" I heard Diya's voice behind me.

"Wait, Diya," I said, looking around and my eyes landed on a tree with a big trunk. I held her hand immediately and led her to that tree.

"Arun, what are you doing?" She gasped, coming behind me without giving any restriction.

"I just want to talk to you alone without this noise of people," I replied, leading her with me.

"Oh God!! Arun, I lied to maa that I am going to take the water bottle from our car. I have to go back soon. That too, with a water bottle," She almost said in a crying tone.

By this time, we had reached the tree. I pinned her to the tree, locking her between my arms, looking into her eyes lovingly and I was about to say, "Mein ( I ) ..."

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