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Arun's POV:

I bathed, got ready with my usual T-shirt and jeans and came out of the room. The house was filled with the aroma of chicken curry. I ignored the aroma and looked for little Diya, standing in the first floor, holding the railing. Soon, Vijay and Diya came out of Diya's room from the ground floor and Vijay looked up at me.

"Anna, Come down, let's have breakfast," He called me.

"It's okay, you all have your breakfast. I will have later." I smiled.

"Come, Anna. if we all eat by leaving you alone, we will have stomach pain then." He pouted playfully.

I couldn't deny after his cute pout. I smiled and walked down the steps. They lead me to the dining room. Her father was already having his breakfast as he was getting ready to hospital. Doctors don't have weekend holidays, I realised.

He told me to sit in the dining chair. I hesitantly sat down near him. Vijay and Diya sat down opposite to me.

"Maa, We are here.. " Vijay called his mom who was in the kitchen.

"Coming dear," His mom replied and came with hot casseroles and served us the idly and chicken curry and then she too sat down near Vijay for her breakfast.

"Today's breakfast is awesome, My Angel," Her father told, smiling.

I wondered whether angel is her pet name.

"Appa (father in tamil), you are telling this daily," Vijay teased his father.

"What to do? If I am not telling this, she will not cook tomorrow. We all will be in starvation then" Her father giggled. Her mother pouted.

"Don't pout my angel. I said just for fun. I am telling this everyday because your cooking is awesome truly" Their father smiled. Their mother nodded warmly.

"Appa, Stop romancing and listen me. Do you know? A girl proposed me yesterday," Vijay intervened casually, making me to have a jerk. I marvelled how he was saying about a proposal to his parents in a casual tone. If I said the same to my parents in the age of 16, then that's it. There would be a third world war in my home. Anyway, When I received the first proposal in the age of 17 during my early days of my guitar class, I was out of my family.

That was a genuine proposal from a good girl who was also attending guitar class with me. She gave me a showpiece of two cute birds with a heart symbol between the birds. If we switch on the button, the birds would say I love you. That was the one and only genuine proposal I received. But, I hated love. As soon as I heard I love you sound from the showpiece, I threw it away breaking into pieces and yelled at her, "Today you are loving me. Then tomorrow with whom you will elope?"

She cried and ran away. She never spoke to me after that. I feel bad about it now. After meeting Diya, when she didn't want to punish me because she saw me as a family once, I realised everyone are not the same. Everyone will not leave us in mid way. Now I feel bad for that girl. I should have not yell at her like that. I should have denied her love decently.

"Why? Is that girl blind?" Little Diya teased Vijay, interrupting my thoughts. Vijay glared at her.

"Okay, A girl proposed you. What did you answer her?" His mom asked.

"I said, I am not interested. She left with a heartbroken expression" Vijay sighed, keeping his face sadly.

"Why are you breaking girls heart? Don't break their heart Vijay. They are precious" His father said playfully.

"Appa... " Vijay pouted.

"Okay Okay, it's very common to receive proposals or to feel love in this age. But, It may be infatuation too. If you ever feel any attraction or love towards any girls, tell us. We will help you to analyse whether it is love or infatuation. Okay?" His mom smiled.

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