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Arun's POV:

Me and Diya came to the dining hall.

"Arun, What shall we cook?" Diya's father asked with a smile as soon as we entered the dining hall while he was cutting vegetables. I could understand he was trying to make me comfortable.

"Your wish, Sir." I smiled.

"Okay, Let's prepare Idly and vegetable sambar for breakfast and rasam (spicy soup) and potato roast for lunch. Paayal is not well. So idly and rasam will be suitable for her too to eat," He suggested.

"Okay sir." I nodded, sitting down near him and started to cut the potatoes.

"Then, I haven't got a chance to talk with you freely till now. Which is your native?" He asked.

"My native is Sivakasi, sir," I replied.

"Diya said that your parents passed away when you were 18. I am very sorry for you. I can understand how would it feel, because I too have gone through that pain. Don't you have any relatives?" He asked.

"I have relatives, Sir. But Everyone are busy in their own life. Who would be ready to accept a new liability to them? I too didn't want to disturb anyone and came to Chennai. You are only leaving me inside your home wholeheartedly." I forced a smile.

He looked at me warmly before responding, "Don't worry, You can stay here as long as you wish."

"Thank you, sir."

"We don't need your Thanks" He pouted like a child. Everyone have a child in us. But most of us let our inner child to die when we grow up. But he had the child in him alive till now even in his forties. I wondered how everyone in their home are still keeping their inner child alive even after growing up.

I smiled, wondering about their innocence and childishness even after growing up and said,"Okay sir, I get back my thanks."

"Then, You yourself paid the fees for your music classes?" He asked.

"Yes sir."

"I am very proud of you, Arun. Living alone in a young age is difficult. That too without money, it will be extremely difficult. I wish, No one should go through that pain. But you went to a job, attended guitar classes and took care of yourself na. I am very proud of you." He smiled.

I didn't know how to react. I did nothing to feel proud about me. All I did was spoiling myself except paying money to my classes and attending classes without fail. Because I really had interest in playing the guitar. Otherwise, I would have bunked guitar classes too. Nothing is there to feel proud about me. I just forced a smile.

"Leave that Papa, Why are you asking about his past and making him remember the worst days. Ask about his future Papa" My sweet friend Little Diya pouted, interrupting us.

"Oh, My teacher Kuttima, You are right" Her father smiled and asked me, "Then, What is your future plans?"

I didn't have any future plans. In fact, I didn't care about future.

"Nothing sir, I am just going in the flow. Let me see where the waves of life lands me," I said, forcing a smile.

"Why are you talking like an old man? You are young and atleast you will have some dream about your future wife na," He asked teasingly.

I didn't want to say him that I am not going to marry. So I said, "I didn't think about marriage till now, sir. Let me think about it later"

When we were talking Diya's mother came to the dining hall. Her father left our conversation and turned to her.

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