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Arun's POV:

One week passed. I didn't go to my home earlier in the past one week, as I didn't want to join Diya and her family for dinner. I got back to home around mid nights in the past week and In the morning too I went out earlier by 6'o clock.

Though I wanted to flirt with Diya to touch her, I avoided her because of her family. Her family seemed like a beautiful nest. I didn't want to enter like a snake to disperse the nest.

If not Diya, there were hundreds of girls outside to please me who works for money. She was the one out of hundreds for me. But she was the one and only princess for her family. I didn't want to flirt with that princess which in turn damage the family who served me the food with love.

That day, when it was late evening, I came out of the bar, fully intoxicated and wanted to enjoy that night with any pretty girls. I called a procurer who arranges pretty woman for his clients and who was also my friend.

"Hello, I am Arun... " I slurred my words.

"Arun, Don't worry. A girl will be in our regular hotel room within next ten minutes," He assured.

"Okay.. Thanks," I slurred and disconnected the call and walked aimlessly to the regular hotel, my legs losing co-ordination. I am always a senseless person. I always do senseless things. But that day, the over intake of alcohol made me to loss my senses completely.

When my legs were struggling to walk, when I was about to fall down in the road, a pair of hands held me to save me from falling down. I didn't know who was that.

"Mr. Music, What is this? Will you drink? That too without control?" A girl's voice reached my ears. But I was not in a condition to process the question and reply her.

"You... You.. Are you that girl who my friend arranged..... " I slurred.

"What Arun? I don't understand," She asked, still holding me.

"That girl... You... " I slurred.

"First, let's go to the home" She said and lead me to an auto. We got into the auto and it started moving. The auto driver and the girl was talking something about me. But I couldn't register anything. The auto stopped after sometime in front of a gate.

She paid the money and wrapped my arms around her neck to support me to get out of the auto and lead me inside.

I didn't know where I was and with whom I was. I couldn't focus anything. All I thought was the girl who was with me was a whore who my friend sent for me.

She lead me inside the gate. When we were standing in front of a door, she checked my shirt and pant pocket for the key. She found it from my pant pocket and opened the door. She lead me inside the home and made me to sit on the sofa.

When she was about to turn, I held her hands, pulling her close to me, holding her waist and pressed my dirty alcoholic mouth on her lips.

"Leave me..." She shouted, immediately pushing me away and ran away.

"Hey..... " I slurred and tried to get up to stop her. But I couldn't get up. She too ran away. I was confused why did she run away. No whores ran away like that from me till that day.

"Maybe, she is new for the work" I thought and fell on the sofa, closing my eyes.

The next day early morning, I opened my eyes slowly, feeling heavy head ache. I looked around and realised that I was in my home. I didn't know how did I reach my home. I planned to stay in the hotel for the last night. I gripped my head and tried to remember how did I get into home. Little Diya's face crossed my mind. I widened my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest on remembering the kiss.

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