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Arun's POV:

When I reached the hotel room, the door was closed. Someone was already inside the room, it seemed. I knocked the door.

"Come in, The door is open." A woman's voice reached my ears. I pushed the door in and walked in. A woman in her early twenties was sitting on the bed, wearing a tight fitting knee length sleeveless dress, exposing her cleavage.

On seeing her, Suddenly I felt uncomfortable and my legs stopped. My heart started to race in fear. I feared like it was my first time.

"Lock the door, darling," She instructed me, looking at me seductively.

"D... Darling?!" I asked, gulping the lump in my throat. Sex workers called me like that even before. But now, the word darling from a woman felt uncomfortable. I didn't know what happened to me.

"Hmm, That's how they trained me to call the customers. Why? If you don't like it, tell me how to call you. I will call you as you wish," She said casually.

"No.. No, Darling is enough," I said.

"Okay lock the door and come here. Why are you standing there itself?" She instructed again. I locked the door and walked towards her in a dilemma. I didn't know what was stopping me from going near her. I was the one who wanted to enjoy that night with a woman. She was also gorgeous and attractive. But I didn't get any sexual mood at all. I felt as if I am nearing a poisonous snake.

Somehow I managed to go near her and sat down near her. She took a bottle of beer from the nearby side table and asked, "Do you drink?"

"Yes.....No..." I stammered.

"Yes or No?" She laughed.

"No.. " I said, Diya's face flashing in my mind.

"Oh, I mostly drink when I am with a customer. You don't have any problem, if my mouth smells alcoholic na?" She asked.

"No.. " I replied. She drank the full bottle of beer sip by sip and kept down the bottle.

The effect of alcohol raised in her.

"I...I am new to this field. If I don't drink, then I will feel disgusting about myself when the customers touch me. That's why," She slurred in intoxication, moving near me.

The effect of alcohol made her to speak her heart out, I guess. But I didn't know what to respond. I myself was going through a battle inside me.

When I was in my own thoughts, She ran her fingers on my cheek and said, "You look handsome."

I let out an awkward smile.

"Then, Let me start," She slurred, moving her hands to my shirt button. She unbuttoned my first button and she was about to slid her hand inside my shirt. I couldn't keep quiet anymore. I didn't feel to touch her too. My harmones were died inside me, it seemed. I held her hands, before she could touch my bare chest and said, "S..sorry, stop it."

She looked at me puzzled, blinking her eyes in intoxication. I moved away and put my button back.

"I... I feel uneasy. Let me go," I said, taking some money from my purse and gave it to her.

"No, I don't want money when you did nothing." She denied, blinking her eyes. But, I kept the money on the bed and came out of the room. I didn't even know how much I kept there.

I walked out of the hotel with lot of questions in my mind.

"What happened to me? Why couldn't I do anything? Have I become sexually impotent? Have I spoiled my whole body in this age itself?" I thought anxiously, but I couldn't find any answer.

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