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Arun's POV:

We wore life jackets and stepped inside the boat. It was an eight seater boat. Me and Diya sat down parallel to each other and Diya kept Pari on her lap. Amma and Appa sat down in the front seats of us. Vijay was standing and took photos and selfies with us. Pari's presence and her cute talks added beauty to the beautiful ambience. We enjoyed the boat ride as a family amid the greeneries, chatting and laughing with each other.

After about half an hour, we finished the boat ride and came back to the grassland. It was evening by then. The weather was getting bad. I had to go back to the children's home before the temperature went down. I knew Jessi would call me at any time.

"Diya, It's time. I have to go with other children on our bus," I said with a heavy heart.

She forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, Arun. We are also coming there to meet your madam na"

Before I could reply, my mobile rang. I took out my mobile from my pants pocket and attended the call. It was Jessi. She told me to come near the bus. I nodded and disconnected the call.

"Then, Arun.. Give me your mobile number," Diya said.

"I will send you a message, Diya. Now, let's go..Jessi told me to come," I said and lifted Pari in my arms. She nodded. Me and our family walked to the parking area. Jessi, Shelton and other children were already inside the bus. I turned to Appa and said, "This is our bus. You follow this bus and come. I will send a message too now. If you missed following the bus, come to that address."

He nodded and got inside the car.

"Ammu ma, shall we go? Say bye to Amma," I said softly.

"Appa... Why is Amma not coming with us? I want Amma too." Pari snivelled.

"Ammu ma, Amma came from a long distance na. She will take all her clothes and will come to us after a day. Now, let her go," I said softly, as I knew that we would talk with madam in the absence of Pari and Diya would go back to their cottage.

"No.. I want Amma too," She said in a crying tone.

"Arun, Let me talk to her," Diya said and added on to Pari, "Chella kutty, Only one day... You be with Appa and your friends. Then, Let's go back to chennai to our home. Let's be together always and play together always." She smiled.

"Chennai? Where is it?" Pari asked in a puzzled tone.

"That is far away from here. We have a home there. Let's go there and be together always." She smiled.

"Far away?!! Then.. How will I meet my brothers and sisters?" She widened her eyes.

"There are many brothers and sisters near our home, too. You can play with them."

"But...let's be here itself, Maa. I need mother, Jessi akka, Kavi akka, Vani akka, Hari anna..." She started telling all their names.

"Aww.. Chella kutty... " Diya got Pari from my arms and added on, "I too want to be with all your brothers and sisters. But what to do? Amma is studying there in Chennai. I can't leave my studies and stay here, right? Then Amma will fail and cry." She faked a pout.

"No No.. Amma should get first mark and be happy." Pari said.

"Hmm.. I should go to my college to get the first mark, right? So.. Amma can't stay here. For the sake of Amma, you can come there na. Please.." She pouted.

"Okay, maa. Let's go home. But I want more brothers and sisters to play." She said innocently.

Now I intervened, looking at Diya mischievously,"How many brothers and sisters do you want?"

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