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Arun's POV:

We all had breakfast and went to the children's home with chocolates and cakes. Mother welcomed us with a warm smile, lifting Pari in her arms and made her sit on her lap. She asked, "Dear, Are you happy to go to your home with your Amma and Appa?"

"Yes mother, Very happy." Pari spread her arms and added on with a pout, "But I will miss you all."

Mother smiled, caressing her hair and said, "Don't worry dear, We all will come to your home during holidays."

Pari nodded her head with a broad smile, her hands playing with a notebook which was on the front table.

"Then, I have bought you new dresses and toys. I will give it to your Mom. You have a look at it after you go home," Mother said, taking a bag from the side table and giving it to Diya. Pari nodded. Diya got it in her hands.

"Okay, You go and share the cakes with all your brothers and sisters and bid bye to them, too." She said and told Vijay to take Pari to meet the other children. He left with Pari with cakes and chocolates.

After she left, mother stood up from her chair and opened the wardrobe. She took a gents wallet from the wardrobe, giving it to me and said, "This is her father's wallet. Keep it with you safely. It has their family photo and her mother's gold chain. When she gets married in future, gift this chain to her. Don't hesitate to tell her the truth. She will understand and will feel blessed to have two mothers and two fathers in one birth."

I nodded, forcing a smile and looked at Diya. Her face had a warm smile. I caught her thought. She was feeling blessed to have two mothers and two fathers in one birth, I understood and opened the wallet. It had passport size photos of her mother, father and also one year old Pari. As mother said already, their faces had a positive aura and a bright smile. My heart ached for their demise at such a young age. I let out a sad smile thinking about the uncertainty of life and closed the wallet.

"Okay Arun, Take care. Take care of Pari as always. Teach her good and Bring up her as a good human being. God bless you." Mother smiled.

"Sure, Madam." I smiled and looked at Diya. She caught my thoughts. We both bent down to her feet to get her blessings. She held our shoulder, stopping us and smiled,"My blessing is always with you. May you both grow in love together and let your love for each other give all the happiness and joy for you both and your family."

We smiled. Then we had some usual conversation about our home's location, hospital, Diya's studies, My future job, etc... By this time Vijay and Pari came back. They had some hand made greeting cards, colour papers and sketch pencils in their hands.

"Appa, My brothers and sisters gave these to me as their gift." Pari stretched her hands with colour papers. I got it in my hands.

"Okay, Shall we go?" Diya asked and lifted her in her arms. Pari nodded.

We all bid bye to madam and came out of the children's home. Before getting inside the car, I looked at the building with mixed emotions. That was the place which gave me a cute little daughter and which showed me another face of life where orphaned and abandoned children were living happily, forgetting all their sadness and loneliness unlike what I have done. From this children's home, I learned that life always has its positive side. Even the lonely trees in the deep forest have rain to shower on them. But the thing was I was numb to feel the rain. But My angel little Diya has cured my numbness and made me feel the positive side of life.

"Arun... " Diya's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes, let's go" I smiled and got inside the car. The car started to move down the hills. Amma was sitting in the front seat with Pari on her lap. Pari was busy looking around the eye-catching sceneries. Me, Diya and Vijay were in the back seat. I was also admiring the bluish green mountains which were standing majestically while the clouds were floating on them like white crowns.

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