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Arun's POV:

The next morning, I woke up, when it was about 9'o clock. We were not doing exercises during Sundays. My teacher Diya has given me rest during Sundays.

I took my phone as soon as I woke up and looked at Diya's photo which was in my wallpaper with a smile and said,"Good morning, My little Diya. More than seeing you in the photo, I want to be near you every morning and I want to look at your angelic face every morning as soon as I open my eyes. But I don't know whether it will happen in real life or if it will vanish as a dream. Let me see what the future holds for me."

When I was talking to the photo, Someone knocked on the door. I got down from the bed and opened the door. It was Vijay.

"Good morning Anna, We are going to have breakfast. Come soon." He said.

"Okay Vijay, You all carry on. I will bathe and come." I replied.

"Okay Anna, And bring your guitar. Let's play it, let's dance, enjoy and have fun." He said excitedly.

"Okay." I smiled.

He nodded and left. I bathed and went down with my guitar. By that time, Appa left for the hospital and every others had finished having their breakfast. Diya and Vijay were sitting on the sofa in the hall. Vijay was watching a Hindi channel on TV. Diya was doing something in laptop.

I approached them, keeping my guitar on a sofa and asked, "Do you watch Hindi channels too? Do you know hindi?"

"Hmm. Yes Anna, We know Hindi and Marathi too, as it is my Maa's mother tongue. Do you know Hindi?" Vijay asked.

"No, But I hear Hindi and English songs too. Because I love music and music doesn't have a language." I smiled. Vijay nodded and turned to the TV again.

"Okay Arun, Go and have breakfast. Then, let's start our work for your YouTube channel. I am going to create a channel now." Diya said in a serious tone, her eyes being on the laptop. She was drowned in the work, it seemed. I felt butterflies in my tummy, as she was spending her precious time, creating a channel for me. Nothing can make us happy than our loved ones spending time with us, time for us and time for our welfare!

When I was smiling to myself, she looked up at me and asked, "Give me your mobile before going to breakfast."

I jerked, my heart pounding, as my mobile had her photo as wallpaper.

"Give me." She ordered, stretching her hands to me.

"That.. That.. " I stammered and tried to hide my mobile which was in my hand and instantly took my hand behind me.

"Why? Why are you hiding your mobile?" She asked casually and suddenly she glared at me, standing up from the sofa and whispered, "Do you have any porn videos in it?"

"No.. " I shook my head in fear, though my mobile had some porn videos too. I felt like I was standing in front of my head master. I myself didn't know why a rude person like me is afraid in front of her. No one had the courage to oppose me Or question me. I was rude or ignorant to almost everyone in my life. But this angel has done some enchanting magic. I was afraid in front of her.

"Then, Give." She said.

"For.. For what?" I asked, gulping the lump in my throat, bringing my hands front again.

"OTP will come to your mobile, Arun. Give your mobile and go to have your breakfast. I won't see any of your personals." She smiled and grabbed my mobile suddenly.

I was gathering all my courage to answer her. My mobile didn't have any lock either. I never bothered about locking the mobile with password.

As soon as she touched the side button, she looked up at me and glared.

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