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Arun's POV:

I reached home happily in the late night and opened the gate. There was a pin drop silence and I could hear only croaking frogs in the garden. I didn't want to knock on the door and disturb them. I thought of sleeping in the swing which was in the garden and walked to it. But before I could reach the swing, Diya opened the door. She was wearing a navy blue coloured night pyjamas. I clicked a picture of her in my mind, as it was the first time I was looking at her after realising my love. I wanted to remember that moment forever.

I smiled at her from a distance and walked towards her, my heart fluttering. I never knew that love would feel this beautiful and blissful. If I knew this already, I would have never ignored my heart.

But when I obeyed my heart's voice last time and went back to see my family, it was a slipper shot for me. I decided to ignore my heart's voice from then on. After that, I killed my heart inside me. But, When that woman was about to touch me in the hotel room, I heard a screaming inside me not to touch her. At that time too, I couldn't realise it was my heart's voice. But anyway, I couldn't ignore that voice and came out of the hotel. I couldn't believe the fact that my dead heart is reborn and it is screaming. That's why I was thinking about other possible reasons for not touching her.

I was thankful to Nivas who made me to realise the rebirth of my heart. I realised the angel little Diya has given soul to my dead heart. I didn't want to kill my heart again for which my Diya has given a soul. I decided to hear my heart wholeheartedly without ignoring. I decided to feel the love wholeheartedly and it felt heavenly. I was in a cloud nine.

"Haven't you slept yet?" I asked, looking at her with a smile.

"No, I am still writing the assignment. I saw you through my room's window. That's why I came here. How is your friend?" She asked, leading me in.

"Fine.. He is completely alright because he got an angelic medicine. I think the disease will not infect him hereafter." I replied.

"Angelic medicine?!" She asked, looking at me puzzled.

"Hmm yes Diya, He was affected with a high fever and he thought that the fever can't be healed. But today, a medicine healed him like a God. So, it's an angelic medicine na?" I smiled.

"Oh, Do you know the name of the medicine?" She asked.

"Little Diya." I murmured.


"I.. don't know Diya. Don't you know? I am a stupid who can't even read English properly." I made an innocent face.

"It's okay Arun. If you can't read English properly, it doesn't mean that you are a stupid. It's just a language. Knowledge and language are two different things. It doesn't depend on each other. Don't underestimate yourself." She smiled.

"Hmm okay Diya. I am a genius. Is it okay now?" I said playfully.

"Hmm.. " She smiled playfully and asked, "My maa said that you will come in the morning only. But you came earlier. Why?"

"To see you." I murmured, blushing.

"What?!" She asked.

"That.. My friend is alright. He doesn't need my help. That's why I came back." I said.

"Hmm. Had your dinner?" She asked.

"No.. I don't feel hungry. Let me eat in the morning."

"No No, Eat a little at least. I will serve you."

I thought for a moment and said okay, as I wanted to eat in her hands. But I wanted to take a bath as I went to the hotel and that woman touched me.

"Shall I come to eat after bathing? I.. I went to the hospital na?" I asked.

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