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Arun's POV:

As soon as I spoke with Diya and came out of the ward, I came back to my home, put my mobile in charger and went to bath. After bathing, I got ready and came out of the home to go to my usual music class. When I was walking to the nearby bus stop, my phone rang. I took out the mobile from my pocket and attended it. It was Nivas.

"Hello.. " I greeted while walking.

"Why did you switch off your mobile from yesterday morning? What happened to that girl Diya? Is she alright?" He asked.

"I just switched off my mobile as I didn't want to talk with anyone. And Diya is out of danger" I replied.

"Then, When are you going to vacate the house?" He asked.

"I don't know dude. I want Diya in front of my eyes till she feels completely alright. It may take one to two months for her to heal completely. After she heals, once if I see old healthy Diya, then I will vacate the house," I replied.

"Didn't she complain about you?" He asked.

I smiled and said, "No... She is really sweet and innocent. She said that she didn't want to punish me whom she saw once as a family and friend"

"She is an emotional idiot who can't hate the persons once she had affection, it seems." He laughed.

"May be. But we can take it as innocence, kindness, empathy.... " I was saying.

"Love... " He interrupted my sentence teasingly.

"Fuck your mouth," I yelled. Even if we don't think about love, these friends will push us into the illusionary web of love it seemed.

"Then, Why do you want to be in the house till she feels alright, if it is not love?"

"Dude, I directly saw in front of my eyes how she jumped and hitted on the ground. Even if I think that incident now, it's haunting me. Though I don't have any future dreams, though I don't have any wishes to live, I am not attempting suicide because I don't have that much courage. But, she has a beautiful family, she has future wishes, she has dreams. Still she attempted to suicide. The reason is me. You know na, Though I am a filthy womanizer and drunkard, I haven't spoiled anyone's life. I haven't thought of torturing or killing anyone. But now, I feel like I spoiled her happy and healthy life. It's doing something to me. I want to see old healthy Diya. Till then I will be here only" I replied.

"It's doing something to you means...I don't understand," He asked in a puzzled tone.

"I myself don't know what's is happening in me. I see her like a friend now. If I see old healthy Diya once, then I will vacate the home," I replied.

"Okay okay.. " He said in a teasing tone.

"Okay, I am going to my class now. Let's talk later," I said and I was about to disconnect the call.

"Hey... Wait." He stopped me, his voice piercing my ears.

"Tell me," I said.

"She is out of danger na. So, shall we go to pondicherry atleast this weekend?" He asked.

"No dude, I want to see her everyday. I don't want to travel long distance. I am not coming. You go with your office friends," I said.

"So.. Won't you drink hereafter?" He asked.

I laughed and said, "I will drink. How can I live without drinking? Even today evening, I am going to have alcohol as usual. But inside my home. Not in the bar. Let's go to pondicherry, after she gets alright."

He laughed. "Thank god, I thought that you have reformed."

"That won't happen in this life time, dude," I let out a painful smile.

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