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Diya's POV :

After having breakfast with my family and Arun, Me and Vijay came back to our room. Vijay took my laptop and sat down on his bed. I usually fight with him whenever he takes my laptop. But that day, my thoughts were on Arun. I just sat down on my bed thinking about him.

When I saw him for the first time outside our house, when he told that he has no family, I instantly developed a soft corner for him. That's why I convinced my Maa to give our home to him for rent.

Though a bitter incident happened between us, though I know he is a filthy person, Still I have the same soft corner for him.

Because we have a similarity. He doesn't have a family. He told that he is an orphan. I too was an orphan. My biological parents died in a natural disaster when I was one year old. My Maa and Papa only adopted me and gave me this beautiful family. I came to know about this when I was 8 years old. Because, as per law, the parents should inform the truth to the adopted children. That's why my parents told me the truth with heavy heart. I was shocked and felt detached from them. I cried so much and I wanted it to be a lie.

But They consoled me with their unconditional love. When days passed, I came out of the shock and I started to behave normal with my parents. They never treated me partially. They love me so much. I too love them more than anything in this world. It's because of them I am living this beautiful life.

If they didn't adopt me, if they didn't guide me in a good path, I too might have been ended up filthy just like Arun. I too might have stayed in footpaths. Having no loving ones in life may shudder the life. Every living beings including animals craves for love. When we don't have that love in our life, some persons will start to spoil themselves in loneliness and anger.

Arun's life also might have taken a turn when his parents passed away and when he had no one to love him. He might have chosen a wrong path to forget his loneliness.

When he came to meet me in the hospital, I saw guilty in his eyes. But I was angry and felt disgusting on him which made my mind to ignore his guilty eyes. In an anger, I told him to vacate the house. But, Now... My anger and the disgust both faded away. I forgave Arun. When my Papa told me that he was staying in the railway station, I felt like he has gone through his punishment. I didn't want to punish him more. So I called him to our home. But, I didn't tell him that I forgave him as I knew he is a womanizer and if I tell him that I forgave him, he might take over advantage. So, I decided to maintain a distance with him till he get rid of his dirty habits.

Even if my Papa didn't notice Arun in the railway station, I would have gone to his music academy after healing completely to meet him and to talk with him about his addictions.

As I compared myself with him, I couldn't hate him. I still have the same soft corner for him. He didn't have anyone to guide. Somehow he turned filthy. Even if it is a third person, we can't see someone dying in front of our eyes. But... I saw Arun as a friend and family in the first meet itself. How can I see him spoiling his beautiful life by himself? As I saw guilty in his eyes in the hospital, I understood that he is a good person inside. But situations made him like that. So I decided to help him to come out of his addictions as much as I can. I hoped, his inner goodness will come out and his dirty habits will go away. I hoped, one day he too will be a good human being just like my father.

"Akka, Shall we watch a movie?" My brother interrupted my thoughts.

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind and I wanted to meet Arun.

"Wait, I will come now," I said to Vijay and went to Arun's room.

Arun's POV:

After having breakfast, I went to my room. I didn't have any commitments on that day. I just lied down on the bed and felt bored. If I was in a separate home, I would have taken alcohol and slept. But little Diya warned me not to drink in their home. So, I tried to sleep. But I couldn't sleep. It was difficult for me to control my brain which was craving for alcohol. My head started to ache as a withdrawal symptom. I was tossing and turning in the bed. I felt like I need alcohol to ease my headache. I sat up from the bed, clutching my head and thought, "I don't need any family. I need alcohol only. Let me go from here."

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