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Arun's POV:

When it was evening, I came out of my music academy and headed towards hospital to go and meet Diya. I wanted to visit her everyday. I got into an auto and I reached the hospital within ten minutes.

I reached her ward and pushed in the door. "May I come in?"

Her father and a beautiful young nurse was standing near Diya. Her father told me to come in. I walked in, looking at the nurse for a moment and my eyes were going from her top to bottom. When my eyes crossed her neck, I squeezed my eyes shut and controlled myself not to look at her. I was afraid whether little Diya will notice it and say dialogues like fire, flame and all.

I turned my eyes to little Diya. She glared at me. I ignored her funny glare and asked, "How are you Diya? Are you feeling better?"

"Hmm.. " She hummed annoyingly and looked away.

"Sir, How many days it will take for her to heal completely?" I asked her father.

"It may take one month. But Don't worry. She will be alright. My kuttima is a strong girl" Her father smiled and added on, "Then, Why are you calling me as sir? My kuttima told you na. You are also our family. Call me as uncle or Appa. Okay?"

I didn't know how to react. Everyone in her family seemed innocent and sweet. Everyone in her family were melting my heart. I feared whether I will get attached to them. I can call him as appa or uncle now. But if the truth about me and what I have done to Diya comes out, he will never be the same. I didn't want to get attached which would make me heart broken, if he threw me out of the house. I just forced a smile and said, looking down, "It's...It's okay Sir, Thank you."

He looked at me with a doubtful expression and asked, "Do you have any problem?"

I instantly looked up at him and defended, "No sir.. I am alright."

"Then why are you always being silent and reserved? You should be happy and enjoy your life in this age," He said.

I didn't know what he meant by being happy and enjoying. But I pitied him when he adviced me. Poor him didn't know how I was enjoying the life by drinking, smoking, etc.., I just forced a smile to him.

"Papa, Who is suffering here? Me or him? Concentrate on me." Little Diya pouted like a child, interrupting us with the oxygen mask on her face. I think, she didn't like how her darling Papa was caring about me who is filthy.

"Sorry Kuttima, I was just talking with him. What do you want now? Shall I give you a juice?" He asked softly.

"No... " She pouted again.

"Just drink a little.. " He said softly, taking the nearby juice glass and fed her after removing her mask. Her hand was injured. So she needed help to eat or drink.

After feeding her, he told me and Diya to talk and went back to his usual duty. The nurse too went out. I moved near Diya.

"Don't come near me," She warned.

"Don't be afraid, Diya. I am not a monster. I will not do anything," I assured, standing near her.

"You are a monster," She yelled in a weak voice with oxygen mask on her face.

"Okay, I am a monster. That's not a problem. You are really feeling better na?" I asked softly.

"I told you to vacate our house. Then why are you coming here and torturing me? I don't want to see your filthy face. I saw you like a family. But you are drinking and roaming in the roads and couldn't find difference between your lover and me.. Chi Chi.. I feel disgusting to see your face. If I see your face again and again, I may jump again to die in disgu... " She was saying.

"Hey... " I yelled to stop her words and added on, "What do you want now? You want me to vacate your house. Isn't? Okay. Give me one month time. I will vacate."

"No... Vacate today itself. Don't come to the hospital to see me hereafter. If I am not seeing your filthy face itself, I will get alright," She yelled in a feeble tone.

It was hurting me somewhere. Maybe because I gave her a place in my heart as a friend. I cursed myself for giving her a place in my heart which in turn hurting me.

"Okay. I will vacate today. Now itself," I said flatly and walked out, as I wanted her to heal in the first place. If she will get alright by not seeing my face, then I didn't want to show her my face.

Something stopped my legs. I turned back and said, "Take care. I will not torture you hereafter." and came out. At that moment, I realised, I was also an emotional idiot just like Diya. I couldn't take her out of my heart to ease my hurting heart.

I just ignored my aching heart and came back to the home. I packed all my things and came out. I looked at Diya's house. Their house was locked. Probably, they would be in hospital, I thought and kept the key inside the pot of a decorative plant which was adorning the portico and kept a letter about my departure and walked out.

I didn't even want to get back my advance money. Anyway I stayed there for ten days, ate delicious food once in their home and made little Diya too to struggle because of me. So I left the advance money with themselves as a compensation and came out of the gate.

I didn't had enough money to give it as advance for a new home. I was earning 20,000 per month and I spent almost 5000 for alcohol and remaining for my rent, food and woman too. In the month end, I would be having zero amount in my hands. That's why, I sold my old secondhand two wheeler and had some money in my hands to give it for advance. But now, I didn't have that money. If I want to have some money, I had to sell my laptop now. But it was a secondhand laptop already and it will not give enough money for me. So, I decided to stay in footpaths till I get enough money for home.

If I ask nivas, he would help me to his strength. But I am a person who doesn't ask for help, who doesn't share any of my struggles, who doesn't want to disturb others. He had his own commitments in his salary. Anyway, I had experience in staying in footpaths, railway stations, bus stands and in common choultry. So, I didn't want to disturb Nivas.

It was almost night when I came out of the house. I walked aimlessly to a bar, bought a whiskey, had it in a single gulp and came out of the bar before it goes too much.

As the railway station was nearby her home, I went to the railway station and found a place to sleep. I spread my bedsheet on the ground and I lied down in the crowd and fell asleep, the effect of alcohol hovering in me.

 I spread my bedsheet on the ground and I lied down in the crowd and fell asleep, the effect of alcohol hovering in me

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With Love

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