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Arun's POV:

Three weeks passed. It was morning 7'o clock. I was sleeping in the railway station with some others around me. I haven't found a shelter till now as I still didn't have enough money to give it for advance. I could only save 5000 in my salary. It may take one more month to save enough money to find even sharing rooms. The light and heat of the raising sun directly hitted my face. But it was a sunday. I didn't want to wake up and continued sleeping.

"Arun...." Someone tapped my shoulders.

I pulled myself away from sleep and looked at the person. I sat up immediately on seeing Little Diya's father.

"Why are you sleeping here, Arun? Why did you vacate our house and sleeping here? We thought that you could have found a new place to stay," He said with concern.

"That... Sir, you have mistaken. I found a new home to stay. I am sleeping here because....because my train will arrive evening only. I am going to Coimbatore for a work," I lied.

"Don't lie Arun. I saw you sleeping here before two days too. As I was going to pick up a friend, I couldn't talk with you. I too thought that you might be waiting for your train. But, are you waiting for the train for two days?? Tell me, why did you vacate our house and sleeping here?" He asked softly. I could see empathy in his eyes which I didn't see even in my own father's eyes.

"That... Sir, I felt that I can't give the rent 7000 with my salary. That's why I vacated. You were busy in the hospital. I didn't want to disturb you. So, I have kept a letter in your home about my reason and came out. Didn't you see it?" I asked.

"Yes we saw. But we thought that you could have find another home with less rent. We didn't think that you will be sleeping in the railway station. Come with me. Let's go to my home," He ordered with rights and turned to go. But I didn't want to go with him. I was sitting on the ground like a stone.

He turned to me again and said sternly, "Arun, I told you to come with me. If you don't have enough money, you don't need to give any rent. Just come."

"N.. No sir, I am saving some money. I will find another home soon," I replied.

"Arun, I feel like it's because of us you are sleeping here. My kuttima told na. You are also our family. I too didn't forget how you were in the hospital for the whole day without sleeping when she fell down from the terrace. means, you too see us like a family na. Just come with me. Won't you come if your father calls you?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows, making my eyes to get wet.

Even my father didn't care where I am staying and how I am living. But a third person was telling me to think him like a father. I wanted to go with him. But Diya's thoughts stopped me. Though I wanted to see her, I didn't want to show my face to her.

"Sir, please go. I am comfortable here. I will find a home soon," I reiterated.

"Okay, I can't change your mind. But I think, your friend Diya can change your mind" He said frustratingly and called little Diya. He told about me to her through the mobile phone and gave the phone to me to talk with her. "She wants to talk with you."

I wondered what is she going to talk with me. I hesitatingly got his mobile in my hands and greeted, "Hello... "

"Come to our home.. " Little Diya said sternly and disconnected the call before I could say anything. I let out an awkward smile to her father and gave back the mobile to him.

"Will you come now?" He asked with a smile.

I nodded as I wanted to see little Diya. I wanted to ensure she is doing good. Her single word was enough for me to go an meet her, to ensure her welfare. For that reason, I accepted to go back to their home. He lead me to his car. Soon, we reached their home.

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