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Arun's POV:

When I was walking inside the garden, I felt a soft touch on my shoulder and heard the soft voice of my Diya, "Arun..."

As soon as I heard her voice calling my name, I turned to her without thinking about my intoxication, as I wanted some emotional support and slurred, my legs being unstable, "D....Diya... You know what? I saw my shit mo....."

She looked at me blankly and intervened, "Have you drunk?"

"No Diya, No. I..I..." I tried not to slur my words, but slurred.

She again intervened in an yelling tone, "No.. You are lying. You are drunk. You have started drinking again. Isn't it? You can't be changed in this lifetime, it seems. Don't ever talk to me hereafter. Just find another home and go from here. You have money to drink. But you don't have money to find a home. Isn't it?"

"Diya, M.. My darling. Don't tell me to go away from you and your family. It pains," I mumbled without my knowledge in intoxication. What is inside comes out, if the alcohol goes in.

"Darling??!!" Her blood boiled in anger.

"Oh... Sorry, Not Darling... You are my little.... No.....My Diya kutty (Little Diya in Tamil). My soul. my Diya kutty," I again slurred in a dreamy way, placing my hands on my chest.

She glared at me, slowly tears forming in her eyes. I noticed her colour draining from her face and her eyes which were brimming with tears and moved near her to wipe her tears while asking, "Why are you crying now? My Diya kutty should not cry."

When I was about to touch her eyes to wipe her tears, she moved back and yelled, "Don't come near me."

"Okay.. But wipe your eyes," I slurred, squinting my eyes to focus clearly.

She glared at me with teary eyes.

"This glare... I like it very much. Don't glare. Then... Then I may kiss you. Then, You will jump from the terrace. I can't see you in the hospital again. Don't glare please," I blabbered.

"Get lost.. Don't come inside our home hereafter. You proved that all the glitters are not gold," She yelled and turned inside the home.

I held her hand, stopping her and murmured, "Sorry Diya. I... didn't want to drink and disappoint you. But... Amma..." I paused, leaning to her shoulder and hugged her.

"Oh God!! What a horrible smell," She yelled, releasing me from her and instantly her eyes flooded with tears.

"Don't cry.... " I was about to say something.

"Stop it. Don't talk to me," She cried and ran away inside her home.

"D..Diya...Sorry," I tried to stop her. But she went inside the home and locked the door. I just laid down in a corner of the garden on the grass.

Diya's POV:

When I made sure that Arun was intoxicated, all my dreams were shattered into pieces. It was disappointing, disheartening and heart breaking. Though I knew he loves me, I wanted to propose to him in a dreamy way or I wanted him to propose to me in a sweet or cute way to his knowledge. But he said I love you for the first time in an intoxicated state, slurring his words between hiccups which broke my heart.

I came back to my room, my eyes continuously forming tears and I laid down on the bed, thinking about my future. For nearly about three months, he was good. I didn't know what happened to him suddenly. Whatever happened, he should have not drank like this, that too overly intoxicated, slurring and not standing properly. I couldn't foresee my life with such a slurring and stumbling husband. I wanted to erase him from my heart and tried to erase him with my tears. But... I couldn't. Still I couldn't hate him.

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