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Arun's POV:

When it was late evening, I came out of my music academy and walked to the bus stop. I didn't know why, My body felt sore from the afternoon. Me and my sore body both were itching for alcohol. Alcohol could reduce the soreness, I felt. But Diya warned me not to drink inside their home. I stopped my legs in a dilemma.

"You should return with the same cleanliness. Don't stain yourself with alcohol" Her words flashed in my mind. I left the idea of taking alcohol and walked to the bus stop, placing my earphones in my ear and started to hear songs from my mobile to divert my mind.

When I was walking, my mobile rang in my pocket. I took out the mobile and looked at the screen. It was Nivas. I attended the call.

"Dude... How are you? Now a days you are not at all calling me Or meeting me. Getting involved with Diya and ignoring me ah?!" He pouted, as soon as I attended the call.

I haven't told him anything. According to him, I am staying in Diya's rent house till now. I thought to tell him everything and narrated everything.

He gasped in shock, "What?! So, Are you staying inside her house now?"

"Yes.. " I replied.

"Why you didn't tell me anything and stayed in railway station? You could have told me na. I would have helped you with some money," He yelled.

"It's okay dude. I am comfortable to stay anywhere," I replied.

"Get lost.. " He yelled and added on, "If you are inside her home, will they keep quiet, if you drink?"

"No dude, I decided not to drink hereafter," I replied.

I received a gasping sound on my receiver and there was a silence for a moment. It was his life time shock, I guess.

"Dude.. Are you there?" I tried to make him come out of the shock.

"From when you took this decision?" His voice still carried a shock.

"From yesterday," I replied.

He took a deep breathe to relax. "Oh.. Yesterday only na? All alcoholics will say this. Even I said the same many times. But we will not be able to withdraw the habit that easily. Don't be funny." He teased.

"No Dude, Seriously I will not drink hereafter," I admitted.

"So.. Won't you accompany me hereafter? What about our Pondicherry plans?" 

"Fuck your pondicherry plans," I yelled.

"What dude?! You can change. But, you should not change overnight like this. If everyone transform like this, what about our government revenue? It's not fair," He pouted playfully.

"I don't care about government revenue. I care about Diya only. She is caring me like a mother and explains everything to me like a father. I can't make her disappointed by drinking. I can't make her efforts to go vain," I admitted.

"Oh...So, You started to love her. Isn't?" He asked teasingly.

"No... But I see her like a friend. My best friend." I smiled.

"Okay okay, the next step is love only," He teased.

"My foot!!" I yelled annoyingly because I didn't want to love anyone or marry anyone.

"Okay Leave it. So... You will not go with random whores too hereafter na?" He asked in a happy tone.

I paused for a moment and forced a smile. "Dude, Taking alcohol is a habit which we develop in our own interest and get addicted. But what you are asking is a human being's desire which we all have naturally. I am not going to marry too. I don't think, I can control those natural desires for life time. So...I will go, if I feel to go."

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