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Arun's POV:

When I was sleeping in my bed, the screaming alarm pierced my ears and pestered my sleep. I woke up, taking my mobile in my hands and looked at Diya's photo in the wallpaper with a smile and my eyes caught the date that was displayed on the screen. It was July 5. My birthday.

I never celebrated my birthday for the past eleven years. Before that, when I was in my home, I would wear the new dress which was bought for the previous Diwali. Yes, My father would buy me a new dress only for the Diwali festival and for every special occasion till the next Diwali, I would wear the same new dress. Not only me, most of the financially struggling families do this only. So, I didn't take it seriously and I never demanded anything from him. But my step brother got new dresses for every special occasion. The stupid me couldn't understand that they are treating me partially. Anyway, I understood it later. Then, my father would buy me some chocolates and I would share it with my friends in the school. That was my simple celebration during my birthdays till the age of 14.

But, after that I never celebrated my birthdays. I won't even care that it is my birthday. According to me, it's just another day like every other day. I kept the mobile down and went to brush.

After some time, I came out of the bathroom and I was about to open the door to go to the terrace to do exercises. But, before I could open the door, the door was knocked by someone. I opened the door and it was My little Diya.

"Good morning," She greeted with a smile.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Arun, Today is my Maa and Papa's wedding anniversary. Come, let's go and surprise them," She said. I wondered how my birthday and their wedding anniversary are on the same date and I smiled to myself.

"Come." She interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh okay Diya, But surprise celebrations will be in the midnights na. You are calling me in the early morning." I chuckled.

She glared at me. I couldn't understand why she was glaring at me without reasons.

"Why are you showing your funny glare now?" I giggled.

"You stupid, They are couples. We should not disturb them at midnight," She said reluctantly.

"Oh... I understood." I rolled my eyes with a mischievous smile.

"I am happy that you understood. Come, let's go," She said and started to walk.

"It would be more than 20 years of their togetherness na," I asked while walking downstairs with her.

"Haa, Yes... In fact, they have been together for the last 24 years since their school days and will be together in future too till their last breath." She admitted.

"Oh great." I smiled.

"You too should be like this with your future wife." She blushed. I couldn't understand why she was blushing while advising me.

"If I marry, I will be with my wife forever, Diya" I replied flatly and thought, "But, I know you will never marry me."

She looked at me and said smiling, "You will definitely be married."

I just nodded my head without any confidence. We have reached the hall by now. Vijay was in the hall and the hall was decorated with balloons.

"Who did all this Diya? The hall was normal yesterday night na" I asked surprisingly.

"Me and Vijay did it just before an hour," Diya told.

"You could have called me too na." I pouted.

"It's okay Arun, It's just one hour work and I didn't want to disturb your sleep," She said.

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