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Arun's POV:

"Thank God!! I have finished my assignment finally." Diya took a deep breath when it was about late night 11.50. I was also awake with her. Only ten more minutes were left for the clock to turn into 12. I thought of gifting the saree and accessories and said, "Wait, Diya.. I will come," and stood up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I will come and say," I said and walked out, as I kept my bag in the hall on the sofa itself and didn't take it back. She nodded.

I came to the sofa, took my bag and went back to our room.

"Shall we sleep?" Diya asked.

"Wait Diya, Before that close your eyes," I said.

"For what?" She looked at me puzzled.

"Close your eyes Diya. Won't you obey me?" I pouted.

"Okay," She closed her eyes. I took the saree box, accessories box and also chocolate box from my bag and said,"Open your eyes now."

She opened her eyes and widened her eyes, on seeing the bundle of boxes in my hands.

"Arun, What.... "

"If love is the reason for the existence of this world, You are the reason for my existence. Thank you for coming into my life, thank you for shaping me, Thank you for accepting this stupid monkey. On this occasion of Valentine's Day, I wish to say that you are my everything and I love you beyond words and I wish to be with you in all my births. Have a happy valentines day my naughty innocent wife, the great cute little Diya," I said with a warm smile.

"Aww... Thank you sweeku." She was surprised and her eyes glittered in happiness.

"Get this," I said and stretched my hands with the boxes.

"But Sweeku, I didn't get anything for you. I forgot about Valentine's Day itself, as I was immersed in the assignment for the last two days." Her colour drained from her face.

"I don't need anything from you. You Yourself is a greatest gift for me," I smiled.

"But... " She was about to say something.

"Diya, My hands are paining, Get this," I almost ordered.

She pouted her lips and got it in her hands.

"Open it and see whether you like it," I said.

"I will like anything which is given by love." She smiled and opened the saree box.

"Wow!! Blue is my favourite colour. It's beautiful," she exclaimed. I was filled with happiness, on seeing her happiness and excitement. I would say, my Happiness is watching her happiness.

She added, "Shall I wear this now and shall we go out now?"

"Now? At this midnight?" I widened my eyes.

"Yes, sweeku. Let's go for a walk holding our hands and let me eat chocolates in the moonlight." She said excitedly.

"No No. Don't eat chocolates at midnight. Then you will get tooth decay. Eat in the morning," I advised as if I am a doctor.

She kept her hands on her waist, glaring at me and giggled, "On valentines Day, You should behave like a lover, not like a mother or father."

"But if a lover doesn't care like a mother, it's not true love na?" I retorted.

"Oh God!! You have become intelligent and I am struggling now." She kept her hands on her head playfully.

I chuckled, "Okay, Today you can eat chocolates. But brush your teeth before sleeping."

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