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Diya's POV:

I came inside the room and saw my old notebooks on my bed. I understood how they came to know about the truth and cried helplessly. I didn't even think in my dreams that my parents would oppose my love. Maybe, they are right in their perception. Even me taunted Arun by telling that he couldn't find the difference in intoxication when I was admitted to the hospital. But he didn't have a mother or sister or friends. All the women he had in his life were sex workers and his subconscious mind believed that the woman who is with him is a sex worker and he kissed me thinking the same. But Now, he has changed. I knew, Now I am only in his mind and heart. I didn't know how to explain this to my parents.

I knew Arun will not come back to our home and that's why his mobile is switched off. Everything around me seemed dark. My parents too went a little away from me it seemed. And my Arun went far away from me.

He trusted me more than a God. People confess their sins when there is a threat to their life or when they find a trust in a person that they will not judge them. He trusted me. That's why he told his dark past to me. He trusted I will be with him always whoever walks away. Because of that trust only, he fell in love with me. But now, I couldn't do anything to him. I left him back on the streets. Why did he trust me more than God who was not even able to convince my parents? My heart ached and my mind was filled with questions. I didn't even know where he went, what he was doing, how he was handling this heartbreak, whether he took alcohol again, I knew nothing and tears were continuously flooding from my eyes. Even the tons of tears couldn't reduce the burdens in my heart. I lied down on Vijay's bed, hugging myself and cried.

After about half an hour, when all my tears were drained, "Akka, open the door. I have to get ready for school. I have a special class. My uniform and bag are inside. I have to be in school by 7.30." Vijay's voice and knocks on the door reached my ears.

I got up from the bed, wiping my wet face, sniffing my blocked nose and opened the door.

"Akka, Why are you crying now? Appa says everything for your welfare only," He said worryingly.

I glared at him and said flatly, "If you love a girl and if Papa tells you to forget her, then only you can understand my pain."

He looked at me frustratingly and said, "I didn't even think that you were loving Arun an... "

"A small correction. Still I am loving him and will love him too." I intervened flatly.

"Are you mad? Didn't you hear what Appa said? What will you do if he behaves wrong with another woman in intoxication without knowing any difference in future? I can't understand why nowadays, most women love womanisers, rogues, perv.... " He was saying which triggered my anger.

I again intervened, gritting my teeth, "If you call him with bad names, then I don't know what will I do."

"I am not saying him particularly. I am saying something in common. Are you not watching the news nowadays? Most of the girls love rogues, thiefs, womanisers, alcoholics etc..and end up as victims. I am saying that you too don't become a victim." He admitted.

"You saw him these many months. Did he behave like a rogue, thief, womaniser, etc?? No, right? I accept that he had some bad habits. But he has changed. If someone is changed and feels guilty for their mistakes, we should forgive them. Instead of that, judging them because of their past is not good." I glared. "Understand. Judging a person as if we are all Gods is also a sin. And if you are going to hurt the changed person because of your shit judgement, Your sin will be bigger than theirs. You told me not to become a victim. Yes. I will not be a victim. I am studying psychology and I am even practising to read minds just by looking at them. I will definitely not become a victim. You listen to me, too. Don't become a sinner by judging him."

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