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Diya's POV:

Me and Arun got a cab from the airport and reached the bus stop to get a bus for ooty. It was 1 o'clock by now.

"Arun, Shall we go to a hotel to have lunch? Anyway it will take nearly 5 hours to reach there from here" I said. He nodded.

"Veg Or Non veg?" I asked so that I can search for a good hotel according to it from google.

"Your wish, Diya" He replied.

"Okay, Veg is okay for me," I said. He nodded. Then, I searched for a good hotel as per google reviews, though I don't know whether the reviews are trustworthy. Finally I found a nearby good hotel as per google and we went to the hotel.

We washed our hands and sat down at a table opposite to each other and ordered a rice menu and we were waiting for our lunch to arrive.

Suddenly Arun asked me with a doubtful expression, "Diya, Did you sell your ring for buying me the watch?"

I didn't expect that question from him. If I had expected it already, I would have been ready with a lie. As I didn't expect it, I stammered with a nervous look, " N... No."

"Look, You are stammering. When appa asked about It too, you stammered. It means you are lying" He glared.

"No Arun, I really lost it somewhere" Now I lied confidently.

"Don't lie. Tell me the truth," He asked assertively.

Before I could reply, the server came to our table and served lunch.

"Oh, It looks delicious." I tried to change the topic.

"Don't change the topic. Promise me that you didn't sell it. Then, I will believe," He said in a strict voice and stretched his hand to me. I looked at his hand, gulping nervously. I haven't faked a promise till now and My parents taught me not to fake a promise in any situation.

"Won't you believe me without a promise? Is this the trust you have in your friend's words?" I tried to blackmail emotionally without promising.

He scowled at me for a moment and said flatly," You are not promising. So you sold it and bought me the watch. Isn't it?"

I looked at him nervously for a moment, searching for words to reply to him. When I couldn't find any words to manage, I shook my head up and down indicating yes.

"What the fuck..... " He yelled and paused, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. I think he paused his words because he didn't want to scold me in bad words.

"Just Don't talk to me," He said flatly.

"Arun... " I was about to say something.

"If you talk one more word, I will go back to chennai," His voice raised, his eyes scowling at me.

By looking at his real anger, my eyes welled up with tears. He started eating quietly without even bothering about my tears.

"Sadist.. I am crying. He is not even bothering about my tears. Diya, Think once again clearly before marrying this sadist. He won't even wipe your tears, it seems." I heard my inner voice, while wiping my tears and I was just sitting without eating. He didn't even tell me to eat which raised my disappointment.

Within a few minutes, he finished his lunch and went to wash his hands. I was just glaring at his back. Soon, He came back after washing his hands and said flatly, "If you want to have your lunch, have it quickly. Otherwise, let's go."

"Won't you console this little Diya to have lunch?" I pouted, in fact I threw my weapon on him.

He looked at me for a moment and questioned, "I need to Console?! Who needs to console whom? You sold your ring and bought me the watch. Is it necessary now? If you want to give an everlasting watch, you can give it later too after you start earning. Anyway, I told that I will be with you always as a friend na. Then what is the hurry in giving this? Why this much lies? And moreover, Did you think that I would be grinning or feeling touched, if you sold your jewellery for me? I am itching to remove this watch now and give it back to you. But.... Something is stopping me. Just have your lunch quietly. Don't pout like a child and don't increase my anger."

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