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Arun's POV:

Three more days passed. It was one week since I met with the accident and my health improved a little. I was able to walk with a walking stick. Appa decided to take me back to the home and to continue the further treatment. So they took me back to the home and asked me to stay in the ground floor itself where Vijay was staying before he shifted to Diya's room. I happily stayed in that room as it was the nearby room to my Diya's room and I could get the glimpses of my angel often whenever she crossed my room to go to the hall.

It was Sunday morning. When I was sleeping in my room, Krishna appa came to my room, woke me up, waited for me to use the restroom and gave me a bed bath. I didn't know whether he would give a bed bath to all the patients, as a doctor. But his care for me increased my love towards him. I really looked at him in my father's place and Paayal amma in my mother's place. I wished to be born as their son at least in my next birth, if any.

After giving a bed bath he said, "Arun, Me and Paayal are going out for a work. We will come back in the evening only. If you want anything, call Diya or Vijay. They will help you."

"Okay, pa." I nodded. He left the room. Soon, Paayal amma came with breakfast and fed me the breakfast and medicines and left. As it was boring, I took my mobile and started to watch some random comedy videos.

After about one hour, "Arun... How do you feel now?" Diya's voice reached my ears.

I paused the video and said with a smile, "I am fine Diya. I think I can walk without a stick within the next ten days."

"Hmm, Super." She smiled and sat down near me.

"Then, What are you doing?" She asked.

"Simply watching some random comedy. But it's boring."

"Boring?!! Then, What shall we do?...." She thought for a moment, tapping one of her cheeks and her eyes landed on a notebook which was on a table.

"Arun...It's my Maa's drawings. Let's see it. It will be amazing," She smiled, walking to the notebook and took it in her hands.

She again came back and sat down near me and said smiling, "Do you know? These are not just drawings. These are my parent's sweet memories. When I was a child, everyday I would see these drawings while having my food."

"Oh... Won't they scold you, if you show their personal sweet memories to me?" I asked.

"No....They will not scold. And moreover, these drawings are not only their memories. My and Vijay's memories with our parents are also in this. You are a person who is very close to me. So, you can see this." She smiled.

"Am I close to you?" I grinned, floating in the air.

"Of course, sweet monkey." She chuckled.

"You are also very close to me, sweet chatterbox." I chuckled.

She pouted, "I don't speak that much"

"Waah!! When you don't speak much itself, my ears are paining by hearing your lectures. What if you speak a lot? My ears will beg for freedom," I laughed.

"What? So, I am not going to speak with you." She pouted her lips, furrowing her eyebrows, turning her face away from me.

"Oh.. Little diya is upset?" I asked affectionately.

"Yes.. " She turned her face to me again and faked a glare.

"I just said it for fun Diya. My ears are longing to hear your lectures, though I don't understand much. Please Talk." I smiled.

"Hmm... Okay" She smiled and opened the rectangular spiral binded notebook. On the first page, something was written in English. Diya ignored that page and flipped to the next page. I saw an image of a school boy and girl greeting vanakkam (namaste) to each other in a classroom background.

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