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Diya's POV:

Two months passed.

We couldn't find where my Arun went. We tried with Papa's police department friends and through social media. But our efforts went in vain. Me Or my friends are not social media persons and our post reached only about two hundred people. I didn't know how many people from that two hundred shared with their friends. But I didn't get any news about Arun. Even he was not uploading any videos in his YouTube channel.

I lost all my hopes. All I had was his memories and his diary with me. All the words in that diary were about me and my family which were crafted from his soul. I was always having that diary with me and reading it by imagining his voice in my mind. It was the only solace I had when everything around me seemed dark.

Though my mind was not in a tranquillity, my habit of meditation helped me to calm my mind to some extent and to concentrate on my studies. I did my semester exam well as usual. But my enthusiasm dropped. I was not laughing often, not teasing anyone playfully, not playing, nothing. I was just surviving, searching for peace in books, studies and Arun's diary.

It was my semester holidays. When the new day dawned, I finished my meditation on the terrace and walked downstairs to my room.

"Kuttima... " Papa called who was sitting on the sofa in the hall. I walked to him.

"We are going to ooty today in the afternoon flight. Pack your things for three days and get ready," He said. As soon as I heard Ooty, all my and Arun's good memories in that hut flashed in my mind, tears forming in my eyes.

"W..why Papa? Suddenly?" I asked with stammers, controlling my tears.

"You are on your holidays. So let's just go for a family trip so that your mind will be refreshed. In fact, mine, Paayal's and Vijay's mind too. The thoughts about Arun....." He paused, placing his hands on his forehead.

"Don't worry, Papa. He will come back when he feels to meet us Or we will get a clue about him." I forced a smile to console him. I could understand that our home lost its brightness and happiness. Arun took away our happiness and distanced himself without even knowing the fact that he took away our happiness.

"I too hope we will get any clue about him. Now, go and get ready," He said.

"But Vijay has special classes," I said, as I wasn't in the mood to enjoy a family trip.

"It is his half yearly holidays only na. Nothing will happen, if he doesn't attend the special classes for three days. Go and Pack your things. Tell Vijay too to take leave from today," He said flatly, rubbing his forehead with his fingers, closing his eyes.

I could understand that he had a greater headache than me, probably because of our home's awkward silence, his own guilt for sending Arun out and my dullness. What can I do? Though I am a great actress when I am in a playful mood, I could act to some extent only when I am depressed. I couldn't act perfectly like I am happy. My family found it and everyone was worried about me. Their worry and guilt made them too lose their enthusiasm. They too needed some refreshment, I knew.

"Okay Papa." I nodded and left for my room.

Arun's POV:

The sun concealed itself below the horizon and the moon light and some man made electrical lights were spreading light to our campus. It was our dinner time. We all had our dinner and everyone went to their respective rooms.

Pari was not staying in my room as I couldn't adopt her legally. But we both became attached to each other in these two months. I took madam's permission to be with her in her room till she sleeps everyday. So, I went to her room after cleaning all the utensils in the kitchen.

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