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Diya's POV:

When it was my lunch time, Me, Kavya, Gowtham and Nisha came to the canteen to have lunch. I was not in a mood to have my lunch, because I knew Arun didn't eat in the morning too in the heart break which I deliberately gave him. I was worried whether he ate in the afternoon or he took alcohol to ease his pain or what he was doing. I was simply mixing my food, looking somewhere with a chain of thoughts in my mind.

"Hey Diya.. What happened to you? You are looking clumsy since morning." Nisha interrupted my thoughts.

"Nothing.. " I said flatly.

"Then.. Have your food. Why are you mixing it simply?" She asked.

"Hmm.. I will have," I said and started to have my food.

"Diya.. You are really looking sad. What happened?" Gowtham asked.

"I am saying na. Nothing." I replied in a light yelling tone, furrowing my eyebrows.

He glared at me and asked, "Is there any problem between you and Arun anna?"

"No," I replied because I didn't want to tell them that Arun has or had a drinking habit.

Before Gowtham could say anything, "Hi... " I heard Arun's voice near me. I jerked and looked around. Arun was standing in front of us with a broad smile. I widened my eyes in shock on seeing him. But immediately I turned my eyes away without talking to him.

"Arun, What a surprise?! You came to our college after a long time. Come sit down," Kavya exclaimed and pulled an empty chair for him. He sat down between me and Kavya.

"How did our watchman anna leave you inside?" Kavya asked.

"That... I said that my sister is studying here and I want to meet her. He asked the name and department. I said your name and came in." He smiled.

"Am I your sister?" Kavya chuckled.

"Hmm.. All Indians are my brothers and sisters except one person," He said, turning his eyes to me. I looked away, a light smile appearing on my face.

"Oh.. ho... Who is that except one person anna?" Kavya asked teasingly.

"That... She is one of my teachers. She is like a God to me. If Mother is a God who gives birth to us, She is also a God who gave me re-birth. So... That teacher who gave me re-birth is my God, not my sister." He smiled.

I smiled warmly, looking down at the food and started to eat.

"Oh.. Then what about your future wife?" Kavya asked playfully.

"I already told you all na. I won't marry." He pouted.

"Okay okay, leave it. Now.. Let's eat," Kavya said while sharing her food with him.

"Hmm.. And I came here to give you all a treat. I received 8000 today from my YouTube channel. So... I will give a treat to you all." He smiled. I knew his channel got monetized and I only helped him to apply for AdSense two weeks ago. I was happy to hear that he started to earn extra income through it, as I wished.

"Oh congratulations. You will get more viewers and you will earn even 80,000 per month from it in future," Kavya exclaimed.

Arun chuckled, "A friend always exaggerates."

"No no, A friend always motivates," Kavya retorted.

"Okay. Go and Buy anything you want and then start to eat," Arun said and added on a disclaimer playfully, "Within 8000."

"Okay Anna." Gowtham and Nisha smiled and left to buy whatever menu we said. Kavya also went behind them, leaving us alone.

I too stood up to go behind them because I didn't want to talk with him alone. I was afraid that if I talk with him, I will end up hurting him more in turn hurting myself. Because I am a kind of adamant who will not withdraw my decisions easily. I decided not to reconcile with him for one month and I will do it, even if it hurts me. But Arun held my hand to stop me. I took a deep breath and got ready to hurt him, turning back to him and said flatly, "Leave my hand."

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