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Arun's POV:

After travelling for about 12 hours by bus, I reached Ooty and got down from the bus at about 8 o'clock in the morning. The greenish blue mountains all around with white fluffy fogs which were hiding the sun welcomed me. The astonishing beauty of nature couldn't make me smile. I didn't know, where the life was leading me.

Though I didn't know where my destination will be, though my Diya was not coming with me till my destination, the little path which I spent with my little Diya and her family was indeed a memorable one. I believed that those beautiful memories and learnings would push me to go forward, not to my past.

As I was new to the queen of hills, I didn't know where to go and what to do for my daily bread and butter. I just got into that bus with an empty mind just to live in the memories of my Diya.

In the first place, Before searching for any jobs, I wanted to visit that hut. So, I walked between the tea gardens to reach the hut where we were staying alone on that rainy night. When I was walking, a tea plucker with a basket on her back, asked me, "Thambi, Where are you going in this way? There is no way here."

"No Maa. I am just going to that hut." I pointed to the hut which was just 50 metres away from me.

"That hut?!! It's just a shelter to keep our tools. What are going to do there?" She asked.

"Please Maa, I like this place and beautiful surroundings very much. I will stay there for sometime and then I will go." I said.

She looked at me puzzled and nodded.

"Thank you Maa and are there any music classes nearby?" I asked so that I could approach there for my job.

"Music class?!!" She thought for a moment and replied, "No. A school and a children's orphanage home is there within a distance of one kilometre. Other than that, some shops will be there. No music classes in this area as far as I know. Maybe, if you go to the main town, there will be some music classes."

As soon as I heard about the children's home, I decided to approach there for my job. Though I knew, there would not be any job for a guitar teacher, I was even ready to do gardener work or cooking or any jobs there. Because, if I live among innocent children, I can feel Diya in those little children's innocence, I thought.

"Are you not a tourist?! You came here to settle?" She asked, intervening in my thoughts.

"Yes.. " I replied.

She laughed. "All are going to Chennai from here to settle. But, You came from there !! Do you like our hills very much?"

"Yes, because.. My peacefulness is here, I think." I replied.

"Yes. The greenery itself will calm our mind." She passed a gentle smile.

I smiled in response and walked towards the hut. When I entered the hut, all our beautiful memories flooded in my mind. I sat down in the same place where I was sitting when Diya slept by wrapping her arms around my legs and looked at the place where Diya was sleeping. I missed her in that place and a sad smile appeared on my face.

I leaned back on the hut, closing my eyes and brought Diya's smiling face in my eyes, the sad smile on my face changing into a warm smile. Whether she was in front of my eyes in real or inside my eyes in my imagination, her cute innocent face had the power to make me smile which even the astonishing nature failed to do. I remembered all our beautiful memories and I didn't know when I fell asleep because of my tiredness.

After a long time, when it was about afternoon, my sleep was interrupted because of my hunger. The last food I had was the previous day's breakfast in Diya's home. The stomach will not know the pain of the heart. Even if our world crumbles apart, Even when we are dying mentally and emotionally, if we are alive physically, this stomach will ask for food. It was irritating me.

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