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Arun's POV:

Two months passed. My and Diya's love for each other was growing everyday. I realised that the Love has no maximum size and it will keep on growing till our death, if we love a person truly from our soul. We were happy as a family. Diya was going to college as usual. I joined a music academy as a guitar teacher again and I have started to upload YouTube videos too again.

It was the day before the valentines day. After completing my schedule in the music academy, I came out in the late evening and headed to a textile store to buy her a saree and matching accessories to gift her for the valentines day. I bought a deep blue coloured party wear saree with a golden lace border which came with a golden colour readymade blouse. I bought the same deep blue coloured steel bangles and earrings too in the same shop and came out. As soon as I came out, my eyes landed on a bakery and I knew how much my little Diya loves chocolates. So, I went to the bakery and bought dark chocolates for her and Pari too. I thought of surprising her at midnight and kept everything in my bag and reached our home.

As soon as I entered our home, Pari who was playing in the hall ran to me, while calling me affectionately, "Appa, You came... "

I kept my bag down, lifting her in my arms and asked, "Ammu ma, What are you doing?"

"I am playing, pa. Will you join me to play? Amma said she has important work and didn't come to play." She pouted.

"Oh, She might have some exams, ma. She will play with you after finishing her homeworks. Let's play now," I said softly and sat down on the floor with her.

"Appa, The game is, I will draw a picture. You should find what picture is that," She said.

"Oh super. Nice game. Who taught you this game?" I asked.

"Grandma. Do you know? Grandma draws very well. We played this game this morning," She said.

"Oh.. Okay, You draw now. I will find out what that is," I said.

She nodded and drew something in a round shape. I said excitingly, "It's a ball."

"No Pa, it's an orange. One mark for me." She clapped her hands. I laughed.

"I will draw the next one now," She said and she drew something like an animal with a long tail. It looked like a rat. I said, "I found it. It's a rat."

"No pa, it's a cow. Two marks for me." She clapped her hands again with innocent laughs. I bursted into laughter on seeing her cow. A cute rat shaped cow.

We continued to play and the stupid me ended up with zero marks and she ended up with ten marks.

"Appa, I won the game." She stood up and jumped, clapping her hands.

"Super, ma." I too clapped my hands, feeling ecstatic. Whenever she was elated, a different blissful feeling filled my soul. I was ready to lose anything to make her win and smile. Maybe, that was fatherhood.

"Ammu ma, Here is your reward for winning the game," I said, taking out two covers of dark chocolates which I bought for her from my bag and gave it to her. She got in her hands and ran to our room while saying," I am going to tell about my win to amma."

I too ran behind her, as I too wanted to see Diya. I missed her from the morning. Pari ran inside our room. Diya was sitting on the floor, spreading a chart on the floor and she was writing in the chart. A tea glass was placed nearby her. Pari ran inside, accidentally tripping her foot on the tea glass and the tea spilled on the chart.

Instantly Diya yelled, "Oh god, This is how.... "

"Hey... " I intervened for yelling at Pari, and added on in an yelling tone, "Is that chart more important than our daughter? Don't think that I will be dumb like my father. If you yell and behave partially with her, I will.... " I paused, as I realised I am shouting at my Diya who sees everyone equally. She even treated the monster as a human. She is my angel, My God. Humans may look with partiality. But Everyone is equal in front of God. How will my God treat an innocent little child with partiality? I foolishly spilled the words without even my consciousness.

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