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Arun's POV:

The next morning, I opened my eyes slowly and found myself in Diya's arms, a smile appearing on my face. She was still sleeping. My dream of opening my eyes on My Diya's angelic face was fulfilled on that day. Without waking up, I caressed her hair gently and admired her face, forgetting myself with a permanent smile on my face.

Soon, She opened her eyes and said lazily, "Oh, You woke up? Good morning."

I kissed her forehead softly and smiled, "Good morning, little Diya."

She smiled and asked, "Have you slept well?"

"Yes. They say, Mother's womb is the safest place in this world. But I don't know whether my mother kept me safe with care in her womb or she just left me to grow without her wish helplessly. For me, The arms of my little Diya are the disguised mother's womb. I slept peacefully and soundly like a child" I smiled and added on," What about you? Have you slept well?"

"Yes, I too slept soundly in my mother's arms." She pinched my cheek.

"Yes yes, I am your second mother." I smiled.

She shook her head up and down in agreement and sat up.

"Hey, Where are you going?" I asked and I pulled her down to my chest, as I wanted to spend more and more time with her.

"Arun... Don't start your naughtiness in the morning itself. We have to bathe and go to the children's home. We have a lot of work today. We should finish all the work and go back to chennai today. We don't have time." She tried to release herself from me.

"Okay then, shall we bathe together." I giggled, without leaving her to get up.

"What?! " She widened her eyes.

"I mean, You only said that we don't have time. If We bath together, the time will be saved. How is my idea to save time?" I giggled.

"Bad idea!! You think of any other good ideas to save time. Now, I will go and bathe." She grinned, showing all her shining teeth and released herself from me.

I pouted. She got down from the bed, took her clothes and went to take a bath. As soon as she went to bathe, a message popped up on my mobile. I took it and saw the message. It was Nivas. He texted that everyone has reached chennai safely. I replied to him and kept the mobile down.

"Appa... Are you here?" Pari entered our room. I was shocked, as the door was not locked. If Diya was with me now, what would have happened? I thought and grinned. "Ammu ma, good morning. Have you slept well?"

"Yes pa..." She shook her head.

"Very good." I smiled.

"Where is Amma?" She asked.

"She is bathing, ma," I replied. Suddenly she narrowed her eyes on me. I looked at her puzzled.

"Appa, Something is red in your mouth. Are you injured? Is it blood?" She asked in a crying tone, making me have a jerk. I instantly closed my mouth with my palms and tried to lick all the lipstick marks with my tongue.

She climbed on the bed to have the clear view and pulled my hands from my mouth," Show me, Pa."

"Ammu ma, it's nothing. I.. I bite my lips in sleep, it seems. It will be alright," I blabbered something, still closing my mouth.

"Show me, Pa." She reiterated, pulling my hands adamantly.

"No... It's paining, ma. Will you take that towel and give it to me? Let's wipe the blood with a towel." I diverted her eyes to the towel which was on the dressing table. She jumped out of the bed and ran to the towel. In the meantime, I licked my own lips and rubbed around my mouth harshly using the bedsheet and tried to remove the marks.

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