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Arun's POV:

When Diya was struggling inside the ward, my phone rang with a loud music in my pocket. I took out my mobile and looked at it. It was that procurer who arranges girls for me. I was not in a mood to talk with him. I disconnected the call. He again called me as soon as I disconnected the call. I was frustrated, moving away from Vijay and his mom and attended the call.

"Arun, Why didn't you go to the hotel yesterday? That girl is yelling at me as she lost her earning yesterday. You didn't give my commission too" He yelled.

I let out a frustrated look and asked, "How much do you want for you and that girl?"

"5000 including my commission," He replied.

"5000??!!?" I asked, widening my eyes as it was too much. That too when I didn't visit that hotel.

"She had waited for you in the hotel room for the whole night without going to any other customers. So she demands it," He replied.

"Okay, I will send you through Gpay," I said and disconnected the call, as I didn't want to cheat that woman who waited for me. I had seen many sex workers. Most of them will do the work silently and will leave with money. But Some of them shared their personals with me. They came to this field in a helpless situation. They are in need of money or they are forcefully dragged to this field by others. Though they are not in this field wholeheartedly, they are the reason why the persons like me are still not changing into rapists. I sent the money and came back to Diya.

She was still struggling between life and death. Her dad came out of the ward with tears in his eyes.

"How is our Diya?" Her mom asked restlessly, standing up from the chair.

But Dr. Krishna sat down in the chair, keeping his hands on his forehead, looking down.

"I am asking you, how is our Diya?" Her mom shouted.

He looked up at her helplessly and said, "I am not able to see her in this condition. I am not able to treat her. My hands are shivering. Other doctors are treating her"

Her mom pulled the collar of his white coat and shouted in a yelling tone, "Go and treat her. She will need you nearby her. She is the dad's princess na. Your presence will give her confidence to open her eyes. Go.... Once you saved my life when I was drowning in the bathtub na. Now, save my Diya's life"

Her dad stood up, wiping his tears and went in again. I was puzzled why did her mom drown in the bathtub once. But I didn't care about it. All I cared was about Diya, may be out of my selfishness and guilty. Selfishness of saving myself from an unforgivable sin. Selfishness of saving myself from going to prison.

My phone rang again. It was Nivas. I came away again and attended the call.

"Hey Arun, Where are you? Do you have your music class today?" He asked.

"Yes, but I am not going today," I replied.

"Oh, then if you are free, shall we go to pondicherry?" He asked.

We visit pondicherry often, buy alcohol as much as we can and we will be drowning in alcohol. But I didn't want to go with him that day. I wanted to be near Diya.

"No dude, You go. I am in a hospital. My friend is struggling for life here," I replied.

"Friend?!! Who is that?" He asked with a puzzled tone, as he knew that I don't have any close friends other than him.

"That.. I told na. My house owner's daughter Diya," I said.

"Oh that little Diya..., That hot chick..? When did she turn as a friend to you?" He giggled.

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