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Arun's POV:

The next morning, My Diya bathed and she was wiping her wet hair, standing in front of the dressing table, wearing a dark green coloured saree. I looked at her with admiration and walked to her. She noticed me behind her in the mirror and blushed.

I smiled, hugging her from behind, placing my head on her shoulder and greeted looking at her in the mirror, "Good morning my Diya kutty (Little Diya in Tamil)."

"Good morning, My sweet hero. But, can you leave me? I have to go and cook." She blushed, looking at me in the mirror.

"No.. I will not leave you. Cook later. I too will help you." I said softly, hugging her more tightly and kissed one of her cheeks from behind.

Before she could react to my kiss, the sound of the alarm pierced my ears and I woke up from my sleep. I looked around and realised it was my dream. I glared at the screaming mobile for disturbing my romantic dream. I took my screaming mobile in my hands and switched off the alarm. I thought of the dream, my heart beat rising and I blushed, placing one of my palms on my eyes. I myself didn't know why I was blushing like a mad.

Suddenly, reality hitted my mind. More than thinking about the dream, I wanted to go to the terrace before Diya so that I can spend some more time with her. That's why I kept the alarm for 5 o'clock for the first time in my life.

I got down from the bed and went to the terrace after finishing the morning rituals.

Diya didn't come to the terrace yet. The shining rays of the sun were peeking through the clouds and I could hear the musical chirps of birds, the gentle breeze brushing my body. I felt the beauty of nature for the first time and I cursed myself for not enjoying these little things in my past life.

When I was admiring nature, "Good morning, Arun." Diya's voice reached me.

I instantly turned to her and smiled. "Good morning."

"You came earlier it seems. It may rain today, "She teased.

"I.. I just woke up earlier. So, I came." I smiled.

"Oh okay. Then Arun, I wanted to ask a thing. Why are you not playing your guitar at home? You can play na?" She pouted.

"No Diya, it may disturb you all. And you too didn't ask me to play it." I pouted. I wanted her to order me to play the guitar after she accepted me as a friend. But, she never asked me.

"Oh That...I was upset with you at first. Then, my college was also reopened and I got busy. That's why I didn't ask. Tomorrow is Sunday na. You should play it when you are free. Okay? Vijay and I will dance to the music," She said playfully.

"Oh, Will you dance?" I asked excitedly to witness her dance.

"Hmm, Me and Vijay will often dance crazily, if we are free. Sometimes during weekends, my Maa and Papa too will join us and we all will dance to whichever songs are playing on the TV. Even if it is a melody romantic song, we will dance like mad." She laughed.

I laughed too. "Then why haven't you danced for the past three weeks since I came to your home?"

"That.. I had injuries na. My knee had a little pain. So, I didn't dance. My Papa, Maa and Vijay too didn't dance without me." She forced a smile.

"Oh, Sorry Diya. It's all bec.... " I was saying with an instant guilt.

"Sorry Diya, It's all because of me. It was just an accident. I was not in my senses. Please forgive me.... Oh God, how many times will you say this? My ears are paining by hearing this often." She teased, interrupting me.

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