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Diya's POV:

Me, Kavya and Nisha were simply chatting with each other in the hall. Soon, Arun got ready and came to the hall. We all had breakfast, informed Gowtham and came out of the home around 12 o'clock, warm sun rays inviting us. Now only I realised, we are in the place called the queen of hills, ooty, at an altitude about 2240 m. She is indeed a queen. The sight of white fluffy fog which was playing hide and seek with the green hills in the backdrop of the blue sky was mesmerising, which I missed noticing in the darkness the previous day. We chose to go and visit the boat house because it was located within 1 km from Gowtham's house.

"Diya, Go and get at least two umbrellas from Gowtham. What if the rain suddenly showers like yesterday?" Arun said as soon as we came out.

"Hmm, We already got it. Umbrella is in my backpack" I replied. He nodded.

We were walking behind Kavya and Nisha. They were walking in front of us, barely 4 steps away from us. I wanted to hold Arun's hand while walking. But that monkey was keeping his hands inside his pants pockets. I didn't know whether he was showing his style and attitude in front of the three girls or he did it for the coldness.

"Arun, The path is hilly. If we hold our hands, It will be a support and I won't get much tired. Will you?" I asked reluctantly, stretching one of my hands to him.

He instantly took his hands out of the pockets and held my hand while blurting, "I am ready to hold your hands forever," and added on with an awkward grin, "As a friend."

I chuckled lightly as he blurted out that he is ready to hold my hands forever. But somehow he managed by adding on the word friend.

Even friendship is also a kind of love. A platonic love. Every friendship will not end in romantic love. But Every romantic love has a friendship in it. Without friendship, romantic love will not last forever.

Though I knew he loves me and was ready to marry me, I appreciated the way he treated me as a friend from the beginning. If he didn't think of me as a friend, he might have hidden his bad habits from me. We always tend to share our happiness, worries, confusions, mistakes, regrets, everything with friends only. Not even with parents or siblings or even with husband/ wife, if friendship is not there. In that way, I was happy to have my friend as my love, As my future husband who doesn't hide anything from me and seeks my guidance to change himself as a better human.

I smiled at him and I tightened my hold around his palm.

"Do you feel cold?" He asked me.

"No, why?" I asked.

"You.. You are holding my hand tightly. In fact, squeezing. So I thought that you feel coldness," He said casually.

I let out an awkward smile, loosening my grip and said, "Yes, A Little cold. Sorry."

"No need to feel sorry. I just asked whether you feel cold. If you feel cold, shall we buy gloves for your hands?" He asked.

"No No, This climate is not a freezing one. It is enjoyable. Already we are wearing winter jackets na. It's enough." I smiled. He nodded and I didn't crush his hand after that. I just held.

We were walking along the green landscape, admiring the majestically raised hills and different coloured houses on the slopes. Kavya and Nisha were taking photos of the eye-catching sceneries in their mobile. But I was enjoying the moment. Living in the moment. Only my eyes were clicking photos of those astonishing sceneries. Not only this time, I always tend to enjoy the moment rather than taking photos. I don't know whether it was positive or negative. I missed taking photos/videos of many of my beautiful memories. My gallery has only a few photos which my friends sent to me after some good occasions. But still, Every beautiful memory of my life is in my heart which I will cherish and treasure forever.

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