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Arun's POV:

After feeding the fruits, Diya asked, "Arun, you asked me many times to teach you Hindi na? Shall I teach some basic words in Hindi to speak?"

"Hmm, okay" I nodded excitedly, as I wanted to understand her occasional Hindi words which were always accompanied with her eyes full of love.

"Okay, tell me. What are all the hindi words you know already?" She asked.

"Nothing," I replied, pouting my lips.

"Nothing?!!" She asked in disbelief.

"Haa, I know, tumhara naam kya hai, Hindi malum nahi.. That's it," I said.

"Oh.. It's okay. Today I will teach you some.... " She was saying.

"Teach me how to say I love you in Hindi." I interrupted, as I wanted to learn it in the first place, to respond to her in Hindi, her mother tongue, when she confessed her love to me.

She glared. I pleaded, "Please, Diya."

"Arun.. Whatever the discussion maybe, but you are always ending up in I love you. Do you like me that much?" She asked.

"It's not like. It's love which I feel for you." I admitted.

"Oh.. What's the difference?" She asked.

"That.... Uhmm... There are many differences. I know, you too know that. Because you once lectured to Vijay about attraction and love na. know the difference more than me. I am not intelligent like you to lecture about love and like. Still what I try to say is...If we like a bird, we will feel happy by keeping the bird with us by caging it. If we love a bird, we will feel happy when the bird flutters its wings and flies high. In the first case, we don't care about the bird's feelings and its happiness. But in the case of love, we care about the bird's happiness more than ours. I too care about your happiness more than mine. My happiness is in your happiness. So, it's love. I love you."

She looked at me emotionally and said looking into my eyes, "Main bhi aapse......." She paused and looked down.

"What, Diya?" I asked and tried to lean down to capture her expression, as I doubted whether she was blushing. But she turned her face away.

"Diya.. What happened?" I asked.

She turned to me again and said, "Nothing, Some dust fell in my eyes. I just wiped it away," She said.

"Oh, okay. Now your eyes are alright na?" I asked.

"Yes.. " She smiled and added on, "And I forgot to tell you a thing. It's true, I was upset and disheartened on seeing you in intoxication. But.. I didn't break the friendship. I just wanted you to learn to divert your mind on your own, even if I am not with you. I just checked whether you will continue to be good, if you are left alone. It's like a test I have conducted on purpose. Other than that, I didn't have any intention to hurt you. Sorry for my words torture, torment and all. I didn't say those words from my heart."

I widened my eyes. "You conducted a test?"

"Yes.. " She chuckled.

"Diya, From the school days itself, I would fail in all the tests. Did I pass your test?" I giggled.

"Yes.. I was happy because you didn't choose alcohol to cope up with your pain. Instead you tried to divert your mind in writing music notes. But what? I thought of testing you for a month. But God decided something else and this accident happened." She forced a smile.

"Oh.. My teacher gave me a test. And I too passed for the first time in my life." I chuckled.

"Yes." She smiled and added on," And I forgot to ask a thing. Why did you take alcohol on that day? Did you go to any party and did your friends compel you to have a sip? Or... any other reason?"

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