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Arun's POV:

The day dawned. The sound of the alarm pierced my ears and disturbed my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes, taking my mobile in my hands and switched off the alarm. Though I assured to little Diya that I will come to the terrace at 6, I was so lazy to get up. I thought to sleep for ten more minutes and I snuggled inside my blanket again.

Soon, I heard the knocking sound from my door. I uncovered myself from the bedsheet and sat up annoyingly.

"This Diya is not even leaving me to sleep for ten more minutes. Let me show her who am I today" I thought irritatingly as I was a person who gets angry, if someone disturbs my sleep. I got down from the bed, wore my T-shirt and opened the door.

"Diy.... " I was about to yell.

"Good morning." She smiled as soon as I opened the door, before I could yell.

I stopped my words on seeing her smile and my heart started to race. I thought, "What is stopping me? Why am I not able to yell at her?"

"Arun, I said Good morning." She smiled again.

"G... Good morning Diya" I forced a smile, coming out of my thoughts.

"Have you slept well?" She asked.

"Hmm yes," I replied.

"Hmm, I told you to come to the terrace at 6'o clock na. Now, it's 6:10. Punctuality is important for me," She admitted.

"Okay diya, I will come punctually from tomorrow. Now let me brush and come," I said. She nodded and went to terrace.

As soon as she left, I placed one of my hand on my chest, as my heart was racing on seeing her smile. I never felt the presence of heart in me before meeting Diya. My heart never fluttered, never raced, nothing. It was just doing it's job. But these flutters and unusual raise in heart beats were new to me. I thought, "What is happening inside me?! Why is my heart doing something often? Is it also a withdrawal symptom of alcohol? Or Am I going to die in any heart problems?!"

I stood like a statue in thinking that for a moment. Then I shrugged casually, "If I am going to die, let me die. Who cares?" and went inside the bathroom.

I completed the morning rituals and went to the terrace. Diya was standing in a corner, scrolling her mobile.

I looked at the place from where she jumped down, my heart aching. I won't forget that terrifying moment for my entire life.

I walked to Diya and called, "Diya.. "

"Oh you came!! Wait, I will show you a beginners exercise video" She said, still her eyes being on the mobile.

"Look at me," I said.

She looked up at me puzzled.

"Promise me that you will not try any cowardly activities like jumping from terrace hereafter," I said, stretching my hands to her.

She looked at my hand and asked, raising one of her eyebrows, "You don't believe in promises na."

"But you believe in promises. Isn't? If you promise, you will keep it till end na. So, Promise me," I said.

"Okay Promise." She smiled and she was about to touch my stretched hand. But she stopped her hand in the mid air, thinking something. She was hesitant to touch a filthy person like me it seemed.

It was paining to me. I wondered, how can a sweet person like her can hurt someone like this. She was often hurting me and at the same time she was the reason for my little happiness too.

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