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Arun's POV:

Two days passed and a new day dawned. I haven't drink in the past two days too. When the sound of the alarm pierced my ears, I switched off the alarm and sat up. Even if I sleep for ten more minutes, Diya would come and wake me up. So I myself woke up, got refreshed and went to terrace. Diya was sitting in yoga position and she was doing some breathing exercise, closing her eyes.

When I was walking towards her with smile in my face, she rubbed her palms keeping it on her eyes and opened her eyes slowly.

"Good morning, Diya," I greeted.

"Good morning." She smiled and got up.

"Okay Arun, You do your exercises. I am going down," She said and turned to go.

"Why are you going now itself?" I pouted, as I wanted to be with her. I could meet her and talk with her alone in the exercising time only. That too before her Papa comes to the terrace.

She replied, "I have some work, Arun. My Maa is not well today. She has fever and she is taking rest. So, I should go and help my Papa to prepare the breakfast and lunch for Vijay within 8'o clock. That's why I am going. You carry on."

"Oh.. Shall I also come and help you?" I asked.

"What do you know about cooking?" She asked with a teasing smile.

"I know cooking. I worked in hotel for some years in part time and I am cooking for myself from my 9th.......age of 19 after my parents passed away," I said and took a deep breathe, calming down myself as I was about to tell the truth.

"Oh..But, You said that you don't know anything other than music na?" She asked.

"You asked about hobbies. I thought cooking as a survival skill for me. I haven't thought it as a hobby," I admitted.

"Oh." She rolled her eyes.

"I know cooking, washing, cleaning, moping, I know every household works. But the twist is, I won't wash my clothes till all my clothes turn dirty. I won't sweep or mop the floor till it turns like a garbage dump," I giggled.

"Don't make our room like a garbage dump. Okay? Clean it often," She ordered with a smile. I nodded.

"Okay, Shall we go and cook?" I asked.

"No.. You do exercise for atleast 15 minutes and come down. I don't know cooking. I am just going to cut the veggies to help my Papa. If you want, you come and help my Papa while cooking."

"Its okay Diya, You are already weak. You don't do any work. I will cut the veggies."

She raised one of her eyebrows and looked at me with a doubtful expression. I myself couldn't believe the soft side of me. Then how will she believe?

"Don't look at me with doubt. I just said as you are weak. That too because of me." I forced a smile.

"Just do what I said. Do your exercise for atleast 15 minutes and come down," She said sternly and turned to walk.

"Diya... " I tried to stop her. But she left, ignoring me.

"Strict officer!! " I thought, furrowing my eyebrows and started to do my exercises.

I did exercises for about ten minutes only. I always cheat when the teacher is not there, you know!

I went to my room, bathed and got ready with my usual T-shirt and jeans and went downstairs.

Diya and her father were cutting vegetables in the dining hall.

"Good morning, Sir," I greeted.

"Good morning." Her father smiled.

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