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Arun's POV:

After having breakfast, I came back to my room to change my shirt. The burdens in my heart reduced a little, as Diya spoke with a smiling face with me after about one week. I was happy that finally my adamant little Diya forgave me.

I removed my T-shirt and saw the food stain with the impression of five fingers, a smile appearing on my face. I hugged Diya once before. That time she didn't hug me back. But this time she hugged me back and left the impression too on my shirt. I decided not to wash that shirt for my whole life and decided to keep that shirt as a memory. I folded the shirt and kept it safe in the wardrobe and wore another shirt.

Then I went down again. Amma was watching TV in the hall, peeling garlic for lunch.

"Are you going out?" Amma asked.

"Yes Maa, to the temple," I replied. She nodded. I smiled in response and came out of the home, as Diya wanted me to come out of the home and asked me to wait in the street end. Criminal and naughty little Diya didn't want Amma to know that we planned to go together to temple. I too said okay, as I thought Amma might take it wrong, if she comes to know that we are going together intentionally. I came out of the house and waited at the street end.

Diya's POV:

I came to my room, took a kurti to change and walked to the bathroom.

"Why are you going to change the dress?" Vijay asked.

"I am going to the temple," I replied.

"Oh, Shall I also come? It's boring for me too." He threw an atom bomb towards me.

"You... You have board exams. Is a temple important to you? Just study," I stammered.

"Board exam means, is it a jail? Should I not even go to temples? I am also coming with you." He pouted.

Having no other way, I surrendered, "Please da, my sweet brother na. I... I am going to the temple with my..... " I paused.

"Lover?! " He asked in a suspicious tone, completing my sentence. I shook my head up and down indicating yes.

"Get lost. I don't know when you are going to be caught by Amma and Appa," He said frustratingly.

"I will say them at the right time. Anyway there is no emergency for my marriage now. I am still studying. I didn't even propose to him till now. Then how to tell it to Maa and Papa?" I pouted.

"Hmm.. When will you propose to him?" He asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have a doubt. Without proposing to him, how does he come to the places wherever you ask him to come?" He asked.

"Because we are best friends and I know, he too loves me." I smiled.

"Oh Both are loving. But not confessing. Very nice. Go.. Go.. Your best friend and would be lover No No, my would be brother in law will be waiting," He said teasingly.

I nodded with a broad smile and went inside the bathroom. I removed my kurti and checked for the food stain, a smile appearing on my face on seeing the impression of all the five fingers' food stains on the back side of the kurti.

But I didn't want to keep it as it is. I changed my dress and washed the stain clearly, as my Maa would get doubts if she saw the finger stains on the back side.

After washing the stain, I put that dress into the laundry basket and came out of the room. My Maa was sitting in the hall.

"Maa, I am going to the nearby temple. I will come within one hour," I said.

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