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Diya's POV:

We reached our hospital within ten minutes. As it was our own hospital, Arun was admitted without any questions. As I already informed my Papa about the accident through my Papa through mobile, he was waiting in the reception itself.

"What happened, kuttima? How did the accident happen?" Papa asked restlessly on seeing Arun in the stretcher while checking his pulses.

"I will tell you later, Papa. Please take him inside the ward and save him." I cried.

"Don't worry, Kuttima. He will be alright." He consoled me and told the nurse that his pulse was dropping and took him to the ICU.

"Papa, Is his pulse dropping?" I shouted with tears.

"Kuttima, I am here na. Nothing bad will happen. Do you know what his blood group is?" He asked in a hurry while rushing to the ICU.

"No, Papa." I cried, running behind him.

"Okay, Don't worry. He will be alright," He said restlessly and left inside the ICU with him. I sat down on a chair and broke into tears. Just before an hour he was crying that he wants to live. But Now.. He was struggling for life. I hated this uncertainty of life, my anger on Vicky rising to the peak. I wanted to kill him with my hands. I got up to go and thrash him and walked out of the hospital in an enrage.

But my Maa came in opposite to me.

"Diya, How is Arun? Where are you going?" Maa asked.

"I am going to kill that bastard Vicky." I frowned and crossed her. My Maa held my hand and yelled, "What am I asking? What are you telling? Vicky means... Is that the person who threatened Kavya?"

"Yes, Maa. He is the one who deliberately hitted car on Arun. It's not an accident. It's an attempt murder. I want to kill him. Leave me," I shouted.

"What? Murder attempt?" Maa was shocked. I narrated everything that happened to her and shouted that I want to kill him.

"Diya, Have you gone mad? Let's take action on him through law. Calm down." Maa consoled.

"Law?! We already filed a complaint. Law didn't punish him. That's why that criminal came out and doing more crimes. He hurted my A...My friend Arun. I can calm down, only if I see his death. Leave me," I shouted.

"Diya. I can understand you. But, as soon as Arun wakes up, he will ask about you. You should be with him when he is struggling, right?" Maa said softly, which changed my mind. Yes, Arun would want me nearby him, I knew.

"Hmm.. " I hummed, wiping my tears and turned back inside the hospital.

We both went to the ward and waited for Papa to come out and tell us that he is alright. Within five minutes, Papa came out and said, "Paayal, Thank God you came here. Otherwise it would have been difficult to arrange blood for him. Your blood group is O negative, right? Come and give blood for him. His blood group is also rare O negative. He lost more blood and he needs blood."

"Okay, Krishna," Maa said immediately and left with him. I sat down again and I was continuously praying to God that he should be alright, my heart aching.

Maa gave blood and came back after thirty minutes. Vijay too came to the hospital by now.

Maa and Vijay were often consoling me. I too stopped crying for their sake and laid down in my Maa's lap. A Nurse was going in and out of the ward in a hurry often. Every second went like eras and I felt so helpless and disabled. I wished to have supreme powers which can give back his health within a second. But I couldn't. All I could was only to lie down in my Maa's lap and cry.

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